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sorcerers of the deep

It was dark when a tall man went home, usually he comes home at 3'o clock in the afternoon, but today, he had to arrange something.

"Dear! Why so late?" Kai's mother— Nari asked. The lady wasn't mad, she was worried for her own son.

Kai sighs, "a lot of people needed my assistance, and I was too shy to refuse, so I helped them." He replies, pushing himself on their couch.

Nari nodded, then she went to the kitchen to prepare his son's favorite food.

Nowadays, it is just him and his mother. His father didn't left them, he just went to other city to cure people. His father— Chinhae, is a great doctor in their homeland. He was recruited by many noble families to be their private doctor.

Kai sat there silently, deciding whether to sleep, or to wait for his mother's food. He was too tired to do anything, since everyone in their place relied him to almost anything.

He was contemplating when Nari called him, "dear, come here, time to eat." She called, lovingly.

Kai smiled, then dashed to the kitchen as he smells the scent of what his mother cooked.

"Thank you, mama!" Kai beamed, sitting at the dinner table. Nari nodded at him, smiling back.

The young man started eating, "dear, I'll be back. Ms. Yun called me earlier, she said I have to be there before 8pm." She informed, patting her son's head.

Kai looked at her, then nodded.

"Mama! You know that I don't like those!" Taehyun cries, holding the books that his mother, and father bought for him.

His mother— Jang, laughed. On the other hand, his father— Iseul looked at him with confusion.

"But.. you are old enough for this! And... and this are normal." Iseul declared, making Jang laugh even more. Iseul look so dejected when his son refused to read those books that him, and Jang bought.

"Papa! I'd rather have a book of spells, than this!" Taehyun retorted, still refusing to open one page. The book's contents were all pornography. Which made Taehyun refuse.

His father sighs, dramatically.

"When are you giving me a grandchild... you are 21!" He says, pretending that he has tears in his eyes.

Taehyun's face reddened, but not because his father mentioned that he wanted a grandchild, it's because Kai comes into his mind.

"No! No grandchild!" Taehyun was shaking his head vigorously, which made his mother laugh on one side.

Jang didn't made such comment, it was sight to see that her son, and her husband is beefing about having a grandchild.

The woman loved seeing her son, and husband being hyped like this. It's been month ever since she saw them happy because Jang leaves the house whenever called for work.

Visceral Forest isn't a bad place, but not a recommendable place to search for work. It has limited jobs to offer because the forest wasn't big, and there wasn't much to do. Reason why Jang— Taehyun's mother, and Chinhae— Kai's father leave for work.

"I wonder what Kai is doing right now.." the young man thought, laying on is bed, looking at the plain white ceiling.

His room wasn't dark, but it looked dark because of the dark posters. He has a lot of books that just revolves around spells, and creatures.

"It's already 10pm, why am I thinking of going to their house!?" Taehyun sighs, burying his face on the pillow, waddling his legs.

Huening Kai, and Taehyun were friends ever since they are 2 years old. They met through their school, which is the only school that exist in Visceral Forest.

"I should sleep now.." Taehyun mutters, as his eyelids falls down.


"How many years has it been?"

Then, Taehyun slowly drift into his dreamland. Silently.

Kai woke up in an unfamiliar place, there he saw a familiar guy. The only familiar in the place that he is in now.

The place was bright, there are lots of unfamiliar infrastructure, lots of people who seemed frozen in place, and he seems to be in the middle of all those.

"Taehyun!" Kai calls, running towards the guy. He admit, he is scared that he might get lost. He might lost his way, and he might lose Taehyun.

Taehyun looked at his direction.

"Kai?" The young man looked at him, his voice was hinted with confusion.

"I see. You are Taehyun and Kai." A voice spoke, the voice echoed, which surprised Kai and Taehyun.

A sudden rays of light came out from the above, making the two friends close their eyes. The light was blinding, and was too hard to tolerate.

There, a guy appeared. He is almost the same height as Kai, and was obviously taller than Taehyun.

"Bro's entrance was majestic." Kai unconsciously uttered, which made Taehyun chuckle.

The man has a blonde hair, broad shoulders, and slender figure. His eyes were slick, and his face was a bit hidden in his features.

"I've completed my task. You should enjoy your time here, lovebirds." The man spoke, gently, leaving as he speak.

"Who was that? And what was his purpose?" Taehyun wonders, which made Kai wonder too.

The two was left speechless, but decided to roam around the place, they were in.

a/n : wahh did this while practicing our roleplay for monday TuT

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