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rising moon

It was morning when Soobin returned home. As expected, Sunhee was waiting for him by the castle's entrance. There was Beomgyu, and other butlers. Of course, his dear father wouldn't be present.

"Confrontation? In front of the civilians? Really?"

Soobin chanted inside his mind, his eyebrows already knitting. He hates being humiliated. The prince, even if he was scared, confidently walked towards the entrance. There were people looking at him, some were already concluding what happened, some were spreading misinformation, and some stayed silent.

"As if we don't feed them. Ungrateful."

The Moon Prince thought, his eyes darkening. The strong feelings are surging inside him; as if it is large waves that clashing to each other.

As he stood face to face with Sunhee, close, eyes locking at each other, Sunhee's expression remained cold.

"Inside." She speaks sternly, turning her back. Soobin could only chuckle bitterly inside his mind.

"All that commotion for that?"

Soobin smirked, following his mother inside.

As they entered the castle, the butlers immediately closed the doors, leaving the perimeter as they do. The tension inside the room increased, it was cold, freezing, and terrifying.

Soobin and Sunhee stared at each other for a long minute in silence, putting Beomgyu in an awkward position.

Their auras started to flow out, it became more freezing inside the hallway, even if it was just them, Beomgyu could feel that his body is freezing.

"You left the ball for WHAT?!" Sunhee finally breaking the silence, shouting. She was intensely mad, angry, livid. The humiliation she felt when the center of the ball, left.

"I said, I don't care about the ball! I didn't even want it on the first place! You and Byungho forced the event to happen." Soobin retorted, his eyes were flaming in madness.

Beomgyu sat there, listening to their argument. He was commanded not to leave, even if Sunhee, and Soobin are shouting at each other's face.

Beomgyu gathered his courage, and interjected, "But hyung, it was—"

"Shut up! You are not allowed to speak." Soobin raised his voice, making Beomgyu flinched. Beomgyu saw Soobin's eyes, it was full of terrifying flame. Beomgyu just closed his mouth in terror.

"You have no rights to shout at your brother." Sunhee stated. Now, Soobin looking at her.

"You are nothing but a pathetic child, Soobin. You clearly don't know how hierarchy work, so stop deciding before us." She added, her voice hinting anger even more.

Soobin laughed, "or it's because YOU are scared of your own ghost? You were a careless princess before, you liked hanging out in the middle of the night with other men, you liked people's attention even if they looked at you negatively. You are the one who doesn't know how hierarchy works." The Moon Prince spat, mockingly.

THE TALE OF TWO SOULS • yeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now