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the moon's night

Soobin has been preparing the things they will be bringing. Yesterday, him and Yeonjun decided to have a picnic near the lake. While he was busy baking, the Chaos Prince was busy preparing the mat, and the plates. Yeonjun, also placed Soobin's favorite book into the basket.

"Hyung, do you want me to bake a cake?" The blonde questioned, not looking at the black haired man who was busy preparing as well. Yeonjun hummed as a response.

With that, Soobin started baking a cake as well. This may sound that he's enthusiastic about the picnic, well, he is, the only thing that worries him is Sunhee. That lady might appear out of nowhere, and ruin everything. Though he is quite worried, he assured himself that everything will be fine, and if that lady appears, him and Yeonjun will leave immediately,

"Soobin? Soobin? Hey..? The.. uhm.. cake is burning.." The black haired called, alerting the blonde who is lost in his thoughts. Soobin immediately opened the oven not knowing that he isn't wearing anything to protect his hands from the heat.

The young man flinched in pain, "ouch!" He hissed, making the oven's door wide open. The inflammation on his hands became more painful as it was exposed in cold air for too long.

The elder immediately aided him, using his healing ability for the pain to vanish. "Are you okay, Soobin?" He asked, worried, holding Soobin's hand. Yeonjun noticed that Soobin has been spacing out a lot.

"I'm fin---", "No, I mean, are YOU okay? You've been spacing out a lot. Does something bothers your mind?" Yeonjun interjected, the worry is evident in his voice. Soobin sighed, "yes. I'm fine, hyung." He assured, lying, but Yeonjun knew that something is wrong-- something is bothering him.

"If you say so, but tell me if you are bothered by something, okay?" The elder replied, gently caressing Soobin's hands. The younger nodded, feeling much better Yeonjun's healing takes effect.

"Woah!" Yeonjun gasped as he sighted the vast forest. There are lots of trees, bushes, deer, and flowers. The Chaos Prince's heart flutters as he wandered his eyes around. Everything he sees is perfect, everything he feels underneath.

Soobin, on the other hand, watched Yeonjun as he adores the nature. His heart felt happy, immediately forgetting all his problems, washing away his anxieties, and feeling more comfortable. He knew deep down that the Chaos Prince is the only person who touched his broken heart, and healed his lost soul.

"Soobin... I'm so happy. Thank you." The black haired expressed, his heart bursting due to the overwhelming feeling that surges inside him. The blonde smiled, shifting closer to him.

The two of them sat in silence, the elder still in awe as many animals approached them. There were deer, sheep, butterflies, and birds. While he was busy entertaining the animals, Soobin was preparing their meal. After doing so, he read his book, letting Yeonjun enjoy.

Minute has passed, Yeonjun was still playing with the animals. Soobin had finished the book he was reading, so he sat beside the elder, and rested his over the man's shoulder.

"Aren't they the cutest? They are also kind, look!" The black haired beamed, showing how the deer takes the leaves from his hands. The younger man smiled, adoring the elder.

"Let's head somewhere?" The Moon Prince suggested, earning a playful whine from the other. Yeonjun patted the deer's head, and the deer dashed away from them.

"I didn't knew this kind of place exist." Yeonjun stated, his eyes wandering around, while him and Soobin is walking towards a specific direction.

The younger giggled, then sprinted away from the elder. Yeonjun immediately noticed this, which immediately brought a smile on his face. The two of them dashed, Yeonjun chasing Soobin who started laughing uncontrollably when the elder started running fast. The Moon Prince laughed, and laughed until it's him and Yeonjun's memory is the only thing in his mind.

Laughter echoes through out the area. Only his and the Chaos Prince's laughter are heard in the forest. Both of them don't care anymore, they wanted to have fun.

"Wait! Let me breathe!" The blonde asked, stopping, and sitting under a large tree. The black haired smiled, and nodded. He sat next to the tired Prince who was catching his breath. As they sat next to each other they just laughed again.

Soobin noticed that Yeonjun was sweating, and was heavily panting. The younger pulled out a handkerchief out of his pocket, and scooted next to the elder.

"Don't move." He muttered, in which the other obliged. He, then, started wiping the other's face. Soobin realized of how much mesmerizing Yeonjun is. From his fox-like eye, to his soft pouty lips. He wondered, were there girls who liked him? That made him think for a while.

Yeonjun exhaled, "done yet?" He asked, his eyes locking with Soobin. Their eyes were locked for a solid minute until Soobin broke the contact. Reason? His heart can't take it.

His gaze focused on other things but Yeonjun. He felt so awkward as he realized what he was doing. While he was busy calming himself, he heard the other giggled.

Feeling more embarrassed, and insulted, he faced Yeonjun once again, "hey! What's--" Soobin was interjected when the Chaos Prince was holding a full grown red rose. The Moon Prince's face reddens even more.

"For you, my dear Moon Prince." The Chaos Prince lovingly speaks, offering the rose. Unfortunately, Soobin was dense to realize how Yeonjun lovingly gaze, and talk to him.

"Th- thank you.. I appreciate this.." The Moon Prince utters, stutters as Yeonjun never left his focus from him. All his life, never had he receive such flower. Sure he received jewelries, golds, lands, but never flowers.

The other chuckles, "come on! Let's play again!" Yeonjun beamed, pulling Soobin. The Moon Prince smiled, and dashed with the Prince. This time, it's Soobin that is chasing Yeonjun.

Soobin knows that he has lots of time for him and Yeonjun. He knows that he will be able to savor his remaining time to the guy that he is certain with. And he is sure that the day him and the Chaos Prince started hanging out, is the day he found his peace.


a/n : heyyyyy.. yeah.. we're getting closer to end :3

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