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moon god's favorite melody

Soobin was standing, all of the people from their continent looking at him. It was already nighttime and he felt that the moon is inch closer to him as he looks up.

Some people were gossiping, some were looking around, and some were just looking at him. The pre-ceremony doesn't feel pressuring at all. All that the Moon Prince feels is emptiness. There's a void in his heart that he cannot explain.

Minutes later, Sunhee appeared in their main hallway— where the ceremony will begin. Soobin felt defeated, as he realized that his own parents knew that his happiness would come to an end.

His worries washed away as he sighted the man he was anticipating to come. There was Yeonjun. He was standing alongside the crowd, hiding.

One day felt like weeks for Soobin. His longing for Yeonjun intensifies as each minute passed.

"Here stand before all of us is the Moon Successor." The priests speaks, catching the attention of the crowd. Suddenly, it fell silent. Sunhee and Byungho sitting beside each other, face no expression. The same expression when he was chosen and offered to the moon. But, there was no feeling of sadness anymore. He no longer felt that his parents needed to validate him anymore.

Beomgyu stood far away from Soobin. He was by the main hallway's door. He knew that he will cry. The young Prince had so many plans for him and Soobin. He wished to create a bond— a good bond between him and Soobin.

An hour later, the ceremony started. There were some practices that was proceeded before calling to the moon.

"Oh moon, we have call for you! Here in front is your successor!" The priest declared, voice echoing through the room.

Soobin's eyes once again searched for Yeonjun. The elder didn't budge to move, and gave him a sweet smile. The Moon Prince's heart was happy once again.

On Yeonjun's point of view, he felt his tears coming out. Every second is important, any second Soobin will be gone. Vanished from the humanity.

"Moon, the day has come! The one who stands in front of you, is the one who will be taking care of nighttime, and nightmares." The priest continues, the wind started blowing. It's starting. The ceremony.

The blonde's heart skipped a beat when he felt light. His existence will come to an end. His physical presence will disappear. He felt anxious, what will he do if he ever reaches the moon?

"Moon! Answer us! He is here! Choi Soobin, please respond." The priest called, his voice getting louder. The wind started blowing hard.

Yeonjun's eyes were blurry, he cannot see the man anymore. Before it gets even more blurry, he wiped his tears, and fought back to it.

"I am here." Soobin responded, half-shouted. The wind blows even harder, so hard that people's belongings started flying around.

The priest's voice cannot be heard by the people anymore, it was him and Soobin that can hear his voice.

"Choi Soobin, ascend." The priest uttered, and Soobin started using his ability to quicken the process. The feeling was light, yet heavy.

He looked at Yeonjun for the last time, and smiled at him. "I love you." He mouthed. Yeonjun's heart thumps so hard, it felt like it's leaving his chest.

Yeonjun smiled, there is a swirling happiness in him. He quickly answered, "I love you too."

The blonde's eyes widened, instead of feeling scared, he felt that there's nothing to fear anymore. Never to fear anything, as the person who he truly cherish, cherishes him as well.

The Moon Prince smile widened, his tears started flowing down his cheeks.

In a minute, Soobin was gone. The winds stopped blowing. There was nothing but silence. Silence engulfed the room, and emptiness.

Yeonjun stood there, brimming with tears. He never felt so devastated in life. He wished that everything was just a nightmare, and someone will wake him up.

———— . . . . ————

"It's been a century." Soobin muttered, looking at the Earth. He looked at it with a sad eyes. He wonders, what is happening down there?

In the moon, he was just sitting there, watching the stars. It was boring, he is all alone in the moon. Soobin was called the Moon Successor, and was the only one who accomplished the ascension. Back in the ancient days, his ancestors never lasted in the moon. They either disappeared, or died.

"I wonder what is Yeonjun-hyung is doing." He paused, "he's probably married to someone." He continued as he chuckled bitterly. It's been a century yet his heart remains for the certain Prince.

To pass the time, the younger started reminiscing. The times that him and Yeonjun played together, watched the animals, connected with nature, and even shared an approximate.

His favorite moment was the time that Yeonjun sang for him. He kept replaying that very moment. With that, he lessens his boredom, and imagines that Yeonjun is singing in front of him.

"I wish to hear you sing again." Soobin murmured, wistfully. Those moments were just like his favorite song. He is giddy before playing it, but, he felt loneliness as the song was about to end.

The younger's thoughts were all just full of Yeonjun. Their memories, the Chaos Prince's features, his hobbies, his mannerism, his expression, everything.

He felt like that the world took pity on him, for they let him enjoy the things he never enjoyed when he was a child, and felt things he never received from his family.

He stood there, alone. His physical appearance is already preserved somewhere on Earth, and his soul continues on journeying around the moon.

His memories never fade away, but they become more vivid as Soobin's longing for Yeonjun intensified. The feeling of his touch, his presence, to hear his sweet voice again, to see his genuine smile.

"I should check on him later!" Soobin beamed, giggling. He was about to visit Yeonjun's dreams again, he hopes to enter the right dream.

Soobin sighed. He cannot do anything for now, so he sat, and watched the stars again. Watching the stars lessens his loneliness.

a/n : notes from this chap..
Main Hallway - the main hallway used in the ascension is nothing like the hallway that has roof. Instead it's an open area, but is called main hallway.

thanks for waiting, lovelies! ^__^

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