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ascension: war

The loud sounds clanking sounds echoes through the castle. Soobin, worried but not budges to move. He is scared of leaving his room.

"Quick, quick! There are severely injured knights." A voice shouted, the footsteps followed through the hallway.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Soobin hissed, hiding under his bed; the prince pulled his hair in panic. Everything that happens around him doesn't feel real.

"FIRE!" A shout was heard. The voice ringing inside Soobin's head. What comes after was the loud sound created by the cannon.

"No, no, no. Why is this happening!?" He cried, his hands already in his ears. He hears everything; from the loud exchanges of cannon balls, to the commanding of the knight.

"Queen, we found him." A man informed, kneeling down as he speaks to the queen.

Sunhee scoffed. She looked at the window, then, pours a wine on her glass.

"He never learned." She says, voice darkening. She hates how Soobin had a time to visit that 'shitty friend' of his, but never had a time to meet princesses from other kingdom.

It infuriates her to the bone when Soobin can stay with the other prince, but never when having a ceremony for him.

"What's so good about that Chaos Prince?" She rhetorically asks, eyebrows knitting in anger. Sunhee exhaled, picking a cigarette.

"I tried to kill him, but here he is, still winning my child's heart." She paused, "and that.. THAT will never happen." Sunhee exclaimed.

"Byun, inform the knights." Sunhee giggled, "if Soobin will not stop seeing that piece of shit, then we will make him disappear." She added, standing up from her chair.

The knight named Byun nodded. He quickly sprinted away, to inform his fellow knights.

Soobin sat there in silence, crying his eyes out. He cannot stop crying, he knew that he was the root of everything that is happening. If it wasn't for him, no knight will die.

"Please, stop. Please." He cried, his hands covering his ears. As of now, he couldn't do anything, he can't stop the knights by just using his abilities. It may put the knights' life in danger.

For a while, the loud noises stopped. He thought that the conflict had come into halt, but oh, how wrong he is. Minutes later, the noises came back, but it became worse, and heavy for Soobin to handle.

As someone who has a keen sense of hearing, it is a nightmare for him.

"Please.." Soobin cried harder, the loud noise, it was too hard to handle.

While crying, and pleading— hoping that people would stop, he suddenly heard something that caught his attention.

"Wait?! What do you mean Prince Yeonjun is in the battlefield?!" A lady asked, her voice was so loud, enough for the younger to hear her clear.

"Shh! Don't shout!" Another lady spoke, a light-slap was heard after.

"No.. no.. not Yeonjun-hyung..." Soobin panicked. He immediately stood up, despite the sounds that makes him weak.

"Are you sure you want to join to the battlefield, Prince?" Yeonjun's friend, also a knight, asked. He was genuinely concerned for the other. If Chaos Star is to lose a soon-to-be-king, it's over for them.

"I told you many times, Dojin, I want to." Yeonjun assured, smiling at the other so he wouldn't worry as much.

The knight sighed in defeat. As much as he wants to stop the prince, what can he do?

"But.. aren't you scared to die, Prince?" Dojin asks, preparing the weapons for the next day engagements and attacks.

"I am scared to die. But to die in his arms.. is something I am willing to do if I need to." Yeonjun replied, Dojin knew what the prince is pertaining to.

He sighed again. "Then, take care, your Highness. We will win this battle." He encouraged the prince, which made Yeonjun smile.

The clashing of swords, exchanges of arrows and cannon balls were all over.

Yeonjun, along with his knights, fought against the Rising Moon's forces. Some were strong, and some were just average. The whole battle was tiring.

"Careful, Prince! Sunhee's pawns are no joke." Dojin warned, not sparing a glance. He was too busy slashing enemies who are behind Yeonjun.

"I will, you too, Dojin!" Yeonjun replied, advancing towards the crowd of Rising Moon. Just as he advanced, Dojin lost his sight of the prince.

"Shit." He hissed, frantically searching for the man who he swore to protect.

"Grandma Chae will be so mad." He added, searching for the prince.

While Dojin is busy, Yeonjun fought the strong knights. He knew that the "more than" average knights don't use swords, but talismans and enhanced weapons.

"So that's why.." He muttered, nonetheless, advancing towards them. There is a fear stirring inside him, but still gripped to the sword tightly, embedding his ability within it.

Soobin reached the balcony. Panicking, his eyes searched for Yeonjun. He doesn't want Yeonjun to be involved with this conflict. It has nothing to do with him.

"I should go." Soobin stated, frantically.

As he was about to turn his back, Yeonjun was stabbed by one of their mages. He was stabbed through his right leg. As he fell down, slashes came to him.

"NO! Fuck!" Soobin shouted. He didn't hesitate to jump. He jumped from the balcony, but managed to land safely.

"Where are you going, Moon Prince?" One knight called. Soobin didn't looked at her, but kept running, bumping from one knight to another.

Reaching Yeonjun's location, he saw the man bleeding. His body full of slashes. Anger took over the young man's body, he started using his ability, the wind blew hard, the rain fell heavy, and the thunder struck one by one.

The blonde stepped closer to Yeonjun, snatched him away, and left the battlefield immediately.

Both sides were shocked, the immense power that the Moon Prince has is enough to make a kingdom fall.

"Moon Prince?" A knight spoke in disbelief. Now, he knew why the Queen started the war with the Chaos Star.

a/n : yayyy! after a month, i finally made an update aghhhhhh

THE TALE OF TWO SOULS • yeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now