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Queen Sunhee and King Byungho were standing to each other's side, face stoic. They were watching Soobin leave the castle for his first appearance in front of the full moon.

Usually, parents of the moon successor walks along with the successor, but it seems that Sunhee and Byungho were reluctant to do so.

"Where is his parents?"
"Where's the Queen and King?"
"He doesn't deserve the support of his parents, he is a disappointment."

Those were the few thoughts of the civilian that Soobin heard while walking to the carriage. He knew how almost of the kingdom's people hates him, they hate him because he cannot be Beomgyu.

Soobin sighs as he sat inside the carriage. It was chilly inside, good thing he was wearing a long sleeved blouse.

No one was with him, only the horses and their coach. It was heart breaking of course, but he gets used to it every single day.

Ever since he was 7 years old, his parents never supported him. He cannot be mad at Beomgyu, his parents were like that to him ever since his younger brother was born.

He looked at the window. It was dark, darker, there were no signs of stars, nor the moon. His chest pains as he imagines his parents comforting him.

"I can only hope." Soobin says, frowning at the thought that his parents will never acknowledge him.

Several minutes later, they've reached the Starfield Hill, where they raise the moon.

The prince stood there, concentrating. Stabling his breathing, calming his mind, and manifesting the power of moon.

Soobin slowly closed his eyes, extended his arms forward 'til it shined. As he flutter his eyes open, everything became crystal clear around him.

His eyes were all white.

"Is this— the full power?"

He asks himself, looking before him. There is a shining large half-circle moon in front of him.

"It's working, it's working!"

He chanted in his head, but he didn't let the excitement devour him.

Soobin was happy, until he realize he was alone. No one was able to witness his first moon rising. His heart dropped, but still continued to rise the moon.

Yeonjun was carelessly running into the woods, only to get chased by large wolves. Although he is an immortal, he still fears this kind of animal.

After outsmarting the wolves, Yeonjun laughed. He placed his hands behind his head, and closed his eyes.

"Stupid wolves, can't even get me." Yeonjun says boastfully, chuckling. Not a long ago, he tripped over an aqua rainflower which caused him to roll down the hill.

"Agh! My shoulder!" He cried, struggling to stand up. He put up his middle finger where the aqua rainflower is located.

Yeonjun walked as he got up. He knew his nanny would be mad, but he also knows that he is his nanny's weakness.

THE TALE OF TWO SOULS • yeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now