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dreams: curse and blessing


Beomgyu sat in his bed, torn. His heart breaks as every second passes. The feeling was foreign, the ascension of Soobin made a large void in his heart. It was devastating, painful. He stared blankly at the wall. The void in his heart grew bigger, and darker as he reminisce his older brother's ascension.

Minutes passed, as he was about to leave his room, he heard his mother, walking down the hallway, grinning. Beomgyu leaned by his door, waiting for a conversation.

"I can't wait for this Kingdom to prosper. All those sacrifices I made, all the things I did.." She paused, breathes out, "Finally." She continued, happiness evident in her voice.

Beomgyu's stomach churned, thinking, why does his mother hates his older brother so much? So much that she never showed any emotions of sadness nor pity when her SON ascended, never coming back.

His emotions washed in him, his eyes aflame, he left his room.

"WHY do you hate hyung so much!?" Beomgyu shouted, his anger overflowing. Sunhee flinched as she heard the young prince shout.

Sunhee smiled, "dear, you wouldn't under—", "I won't understand?! Why!? Do I look like a child to you?!" The young prince interjected, his fists clenching. The woman's face turned stoic.

The gray haired man walked closer, and spoke, "I won't understand what?! Did he ever wronged you? Did he do something you couldn't forgive?" He breathes out, his eyes never leaving focus on his mother's, "Soobin-hyung wouldn't be a rebel if it wasn't for you! Sure, a father could've done worse, but YOU!.." Beomgyu paused again, catching his breath.

Sunhee's face didn't change, her anger growing.

".. you ARE a mother! But you never let Soobin-hyung felt a mother's love. You ARE a mother, YOU are supposed to love him, support him." Beomgyu continued, unfazed. Although his mother is looking directly as his soul, he didn't budge to move. He wanted to find out where the resentment comes from.

"Even in his last days on Earth, you never loved him even just a little bit. You—"

"ENOUGH, Beomgyu!" Sunhee cuts off, her anger heightens. Beomgyu stood there, still unfazed of his mother's voice.

"Soobin isn't Byungho's son." She reveals, voice lowers. Beomgyu, inside, wasn't surprised after all, but he couldn't say that he expected that fact.

The Queen exhaled heavily, "He was the product of me and my old spouse." She paused, feeling lonely, "We loved each other, genuinely. The day I was supposed to tell him I was pregnant, was the day he told me he is arranged with another woman." Sunhee tells, her voice getting soft as she reminisces her memory with the man she loved. Her face shifting into sadness.

Beomgyu still couldn't understand, and Sunhee noticed.

"Soobin looked like that man. I resented him, thinking I was doing revenge towards the COWARD man who have left me." She added, her face turning stoic once again.

THE TALE OF TWO SOULS • yeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now