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starry night

Soobin was sitting in front of his mirror, the mirror still covered, when a maid called for him.

"Crowned Prince, your father says that you should prepare for the upcoming event." She says, her voice soft.

The young prince scowled, but he couldn't do anything about it. He's scared that people might think of him as rebellious and a careless child.

He sighed, standing up. The young man immediately took a bath, and changed into his formal clothes. As he finished buttoning his tuxedo, he exhaled heavily.

"Fuck it."

Soobin chanted in his mind, he held the sheet that covers his mirror. He once again exhaled, inhaled, and exhaled. The prince hated how he looked, but here he is, needing to look at himself.

After episodes of inhaling and exhaling, Soobin removes the cloth over the mirror, and placed it on the table.

"What is this face?"

He asks himself, unable to look at his face for a minute. He feels horrifying, he feels ugly, he feels degraded. Soobin felt like removing his face, throwing it away somewhere.

The younger, then, started styling his hair to pair with his clothes, and it was the most unbearable moment of his life.

After minutes of styling, the Moon Prince placed the cloth back over the mirror, he hope not to see his face again.

Soobin sighed, his hands going cold, and his thoughts began to spread.

"Why am I suddenly like this? Confidence, Soobin, confidence!"

The Moon Prince chanted, his hands curled in fists. It was indeed frightening for him, but he needed to do it for the sake of their reputation.

"If they don't want me, then I'll be happy, if they want me.. I'll run a hundred meters away from them."

He says, nodding. His vision was starting to darkened as he feels pressure arise, it was suffocating. The pressure, the thoughts— they were all hard to control now.

As the time passes by, the pressure in Soobin started rising; the fear in him, his thoughts scattered in his mind, and feeling dizzy.

"I.. I can do this..!" Were the only coherent words that left Soobin's mouth. He hoped that the night will end quick, or else he might faint in front of other people.

Soobin left his room, walking through the hallway, he could hear the crowd chatting, and his mother declaring to wait for him. Since when did he had a sharp sense?

"Wait.. what..? Huh..? How?" He questioned himself, confused. The Moon Prince's eyes wander, trying to convince himself that he's just hearing things. But, he cannot.

The voices became loud as he walks closer to the stairs, which was the main place was located. The voices, the sound is overwhelming.

Soobin tried to calm himself by breathing in and out. His eyes wandered again, his eyes just couldn't stop in a single area. His heart is beating fast, and his hands became colder.

THE TALE OF TWO SOULS • yeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now