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            I began to scream. I screamed and screamed, dithering in the middle of the street, my voice blood-curdling and hoarse. I screamed until my throat went dry, to the point I collapsed onto the floor and found myself rocking back and forth to stop crying like a manic.

The men were telling the fucking truth... Two complete strangers, who I'd never spoken to before, who I'd never came across or heard of... Knew about my own mother's abuse before I did. I found out from two junkies what my mother had to endure. I would never be able to forgive myself for my arrogance. I felt like a walking fucking disappointment. Not only did I get myself thrown in jail, I became the kingpin of the Mafia of which the previous man beat the daylights out of the woman who brought me into this world and gave me life.

I couldn't believe that I didn't realise sooner what was going on. I couldn't believe how blind I was to what was staring at me right in the face. I couldn't protect my mother from Steve... Instead, I worked for Steve and gave him unimaginable money and satisfaction... Did whatever he told me to do... Levelled up in his criminal organization...

What the fuck had I done?!

I was a terrible man. A terrible, terrible man...

All I knew now was that I would avenge my mother. To seek justice for her. Steve was a dead fucking man walking. Only God knew what my mother had to go through for all of these years... Only God knew how many times Steve had made her suffer, had beaten her, and she put up with it without making me suspect a thing...

No wonder my real dad warned me to stay away from Steve!

"FUCKKKKKKKKKKK!" I screamed, breaking down into fresh sobs.

It felt like I would never stop crying. My heart was breaking, shattering into millions of pieces, and my blood was fucking boiling. It felt like somebody was beating me with a hammer continuously and they wouldn't stop. Thousands of emotions shot through my body at once.





I could barely breathe. I was shaking with rage. Steve was going to pay for this... and I was going to fucking make sure of it. The day I found him, would be the day that I made him beg for his life and made him wish that he was never born. Fucking son-of-a-bitch. Disgusting scum.

I drew deep breaths in and out rapidly, trying my best not to have a panic attack. Trying my best to keep it together, and compose myself, because I needed to see my mum and reassure her that everything was going to be okay moving forward. That no harm would ever come her way again... And that this time, I wouldn't fuck up, or be a failure. I would try my best to get my life back on track, and help her to mend her own broken heart.

"I know I wasn't there for you before, Mum..." I whispered to myself, tears rolling down my cheeks. "But I'll always be here for you now. I'll do anything to protect you."

I took another deep breath in, drying my eyes, trying my best to stop crying. Mum couldn't know that I found out about this. I was going to have to keep it a secret and deal with it my own way, as hard as it fucking was not to make my anger and upset known to her...

Because otherwise, she wouldn't allow me to take revenge on Steve. She'd stop me, tell me I'm being stupid, that she's fine and doesn't need saving...

When in reality, the only way to deal with bastards like Steve and teach them a lesson for real is to bury them six feet under the ground.

I knew that I wanted to start a new life and a clean slate, but this was just something that I had to take care of to gain peace and closure. To put the Mafia behind me for good. I knew how to kill men without being caught; it was just the one man I had a life-long feud with who I'd been caught for because of bad fucking timing. Steve couldn't get away with what he did. He had to suffer, just like he made Mum suffer for all of these years. Women beaters should get the fucking death penalty.

Vengeance is mine.


Mafia Kingpin: A Dark, Thrilling Organized Crime RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now