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Trex spoke in an excited tone. I rolled my eyes, agitated. This was what he was fucking ringing me for? Here was me thinking that it was going to be something important. I didn't want to fucking go clubbing. If it was up to me, I'd spend the rest of my life in my bed, feeling miserable and wallowing in self-pity.

"I'm not in the mood for clubbing, bro," I sighed, rolling my eyes again.

"Come on man, don't do me like that," Trex exclaimed. "We haven't been out for ages. We should take a break from work for once."

I sighed. Trex just really didn't know how to take a fucking hint sometimes.

"I'm meeting you at the club in an hour, whether you like it or not. I'll pick you up outside your apartment if that's what you want," Trex hissed, and hung up the phone angrily.


I sighed. My sentence was cut off, as the line went dead. I didn't even get the chance to protest, because he fucking hung up on me.

I was fucking agitated. The last thing I needed was to go clubbing, and pretend to have a good time, when inside, I would just be feeling miserable, wanting to kill myself.

But on the other hand... I knew that Trex never took no for an answer. He would be coming to pick me up in an hour, and he would drag me into his car and take me clubbing, whether I liked it or not.

I chuckled to myself, and then realized that I was probably making myself look like a prat in public, smiling to myself with all of these people walking around. I sighed heavily.

You know fucking what...?

I was going to go to the club tonight. I needed to move on and stop fucking wallowing in self-pity.

Aliyah was dead, and there was no changing that. I needed to cheer myself up, and try to meet someone new. Maybe I would meet a pretty girl at the club tonight, and maybe, just maybe, if I gave her a proper chance...

She would be able to make me feel the way Aliyah once did.

I nodded to myself. I knew that the chances of me finding a girl who even compared to Aliyah would probably be slim, but I had to try. Suicide was just a pussy way out of life... And it wasn't something that I was prepared to do, or had the guts to do.

Life is what you make it... And I was still young. I still had time to feel better. I still had so many years ahead of me...

I took a deep breath in that I didn't know I was holding, and made my way out of Bullring, ready to go back to my apartment, get changed, and then go to clubbing with Trex.

Mafia Kingpin: A Dark, Thrilling Organized Crime RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now