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Now that me and Ijaz had dealt with the bastard that had been stealing from our shipments, it was time to collect a debt from a ginger-haired man named Ron, who hadn't paid us back yet.

I sent Ijaz off to distribute some of the drugs we'd just smuggled into Birmingham, and decided to go to Ron's house with Abid, instead.

Abid was one of Steve's sidekicks. He was close with Steve before he was close with me. I could never forget the day that I'd found out who my stepfather really was... When I saw all the weed in his house, the drugs, the injections, the prostitutes. And Abid had a gun pointed to my head when he caught me snooping. We'd come a long way from Abid almost killing me. Ever since I'd joined the Mafia, Abid was like a brother to me now. He looked out for me. He rode for me till the end, and he was there for me through thick and thin.

We arrived at Ron's house. Instead of knocking, we kicked the door down so hard that it fell down inside his house. We made our way inside, to see Ron standing inside of his living room, clutching his chest, and trembling in fear.

"Where's my money, bastard?!" I roared, as he jolted back, terrified. "You've had over a week to pay up now, and we've been lenient with you."

It was true. Whenever somebody owed me money, and didn't pay it back on the day that we'd agreed on, I always gave them an extra week to get the money together. The fact of the matter that Ron still couldn't get the money together, even after a week of extra time, just showed that he wasn't planning on paying it back in the first place. If he cared about his own life, he would've done whatever it takes to get the money back to me... Yet he failed. He didn't even try. If he couldn't afford to pay it back, he shouldn't have borrowed money in the fucking first place.

"You owe us one thousand pounds," Abid said bitterly, folding his arms.

One thousand pounds was like small change to me. It meant nothing. It wasn't even a fraction of the money that I made everyday. But that didn't mean that I was going to start dishing out charity, or giving out hand-outs to people who needed money. I'd put blood, sweat and tears to get to where I was today. To be as rich as I was today. And the last thing I needed, was motherfuckers taking advantage of the amount of money that I had.

"I need a little more time," Ron said shakily, heaving his chest upwards and downwards. The same fucking thing that Bash did when we confronted him. The same thing that all of these motherfuckers do.

My blood was boiling now. I was tired of hearing the pathetic excuses that these bastards gave. They either had my money, or they didn't. It was as simple as that.

"Me and my missus have been having a really hard time lately," Ron went on, breaking into sobs in an attempt to make me feel sorry for him. "We just need another week to get the money together for you!"

"WRONG ANSWER!" I roared, boiling with rage.

"P – please, just one more week!" Ron begged, breaking down with tears. "I promise, I've been working hard, I've found a way to-"

"You had your chance!" I bellowed, cutting him off his sentence. Abid flipped him over, and I punched Ron repeatedly in his face. His face went blue as I beat him. It wasn't enough to satisfy me, though. I continued to punch him, until I could hear his bones snap and the wind knock out of his lungs as he struggled for air. Blood gushed out of his mouth, three of his teeth knocking clean out. He couldn't even get any words out anymore.

Mafia Kingpin: A Dark, Thrilling Organized Crime RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now