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After all the vetting and million questions i passed they test and went downstairs to pack up my things and took the all to my car. I drove home in excitement, got home to find the house empty. I checked my phone and I saw I had so many miss calls from mom. I checked my whatapp and she has sent a million texts telling me about Zoey being in a domestic violence. I really don't get why my family is always doing this with her. I got home and unpacked and than drove to the hospital where I found my mom fuming.
Me: Ma
Mom: Iv never meet such a selfish person in my life.
Me: Ma
Mom: Don't ma me, what is wrong with you?
Me: I had a meeting at work and....
Mom: just save it. I don't want to hear your lame excuse
Me: kodwa naye uZoey....
Mom:Am sick and tired of you looking down on your sister.
Me: Am not looking down on her. Its just that she is smart too but isn't applying herself and she always moving from one bad guy to the next and you guys are always here supporting her. She never going to learn...
I felt one hot clap. I kept quiet and looked at my father who looked ashamed.
Mom: Don't you ever talk about my child like that.
I kept quiet, looked at my father one last time than turned and left heading home. I got to my room and packed every single thing that i own and did my best stuffing it in my car. I went next door to Ma Dlamini spoke to her son oupa.
Oupa: Sho
Me: Can you please help me in driving me with your van.
Oupa: where?
Me: I don't know, but far from here.
Oupa: are you moving?
Me: Yes
Oupa: so you need a place?
Oupa: a friend of mine has moved out of a Condo next to Ashley bridge. I can call and find out if its still available.
I nodded as he called and it was still available. So he asked his friends if I can move in and he didn't mind. I hugged him as he helped me moved things into his car. I packed ever thing that mines. I should have done this long ago when mom said O should share half my salary with my sister who is older than me and more than capable of taking care of herself. I locked the house and gate and drove off to that condo.

My phone was ringing and I answered.
Me: Hello
Guy: she was vetted today for the special crimes as an profiler and analysist. They creating a team that will be dealing with your cases and have the District Attorney Linda Mkhonto taking the case.
Me: Thanks.
I hung up and walked towards my car wheb the phone rang again.
Me: Yes
Guy: She on the move, i think she moving from here.
Me:follow them and update me.
Guy: Cool
I got in and drove to the club where I found the guys in my office waiting.
Me: Hey
Everyone: Sho.
Me: I got news that our lawyer is Linda Mkhonto.
Zola: Holy shit.
Me: Exactly.
Mlu: Who we going to get as ours when little miss Thing catches us?
Me: She not catching us
Ntokozo: Than?
Me: I need you guys to stay calm, we have got this okay.
They all nodded.
Me: Now let go over the bank heist plans.
They rolled out the chart and we went over the plans again. Cause next Tuesday we were doing this job.

Its was close to midnight. My phone has been ringing off the hook from my mother and iv been ignoring it. Am so not about to have drama with her, frankly iv tolerated her drama for too long. I finished packing my beautiful space and it was looking like more of a home. I decided to drive to the 24 hours steers at Musgrave and get something to eat. I ordered and waited than drove back. Something in me decided that I pass the route where they drove when they were hitting the jewels shop. I drove around there and stopped at the intersection due to the robots. I calculated the minutes it closed and wrote them down and calculated the minutes it opened. Than drove off to the house watched the videos on the day they were attacking the jewels store and saw that the robots were opening for longer on the roads that they were driving on. I calculated and it was 6 minutes more than my time.
" so they controlling traffic too."
I took my phone and looked for captain Nkosi number and found it.

My phone was ringing and I looked at the unknown number.
Me: Yeah
Voice: Its a Nkosazana sir
Me: Yeah?
Nkosazana: They controlling traffic. Am watching videos right now and all robots are opening 6 more minutes for them to be able to cut through. So it means that they jamming the robots or hacking to the systems. Ill need to go to the robots centre so I can get the Ip name of the person doing this.
Me: You woke me up at midnight to tell me this?
Nkosazana: Sorry, goodnight
Me: Call me again in the morning and tell me this again. Get some sleep....

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