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Ntokozo: let me get this straight, you going to marry her?
Me: Yes
Zola: and return her back to her world
Me: Yes
Mlu: and she can't say anything cause you will be her husband.
Me: yes
Xola: Kahle kahle you will be married to the cop?
Me: technically she not a cop but yes ill be married to her
Zola: Smart
Ntokozo: For how long?
I looked at the guys.
Me: Marriage is a life time thing.
They all looked at each other confused and I turned to find her standing there her arms folded and she was looking at the floor.
Me: Nkosazana
She looked up and her eyes were red from holding in tears.
Me: Excuse me.
I pulled her away from the guys
Me: You crying
Nkosazana: I don't want to get married mna.
Me: Its either that or a bullet.
She was quiet and looked at me with tears rolling down her face.
Nkosazana: I don't want to get married.
She whispered with tears all over.
Me: I promise I won't be that bad
Nkosazana: I don't even know how to be a simple girlfriend and now you telling me about marriage
Me: Just be you
She walked away leaving me there with the guys.
Zola: are you not going to go after her.
Me: No, Mlu you going to the beach house to find a person to do the decorations.Zola i need you to get pastor Dube to the house, pay as any much he wants and I need a videographer.
Xola i need you to get me a dress that she can wear for tonight she is a size 30 and Ntokozo i need you to check the feeds and  see if its safe for her to travel and you can get a hair and make up person here that we trust to be discreet.
Xola: what are you going to be doing while we running around?
Me: Begging her to say yes and choosing a ring, let give ourselves 3 hours okay so before midnight everything must be sorted.
They all nodded and we hugged and they left apart Zola
Zola: A part of me want to believe that you doing all this for us, to keep us away from jail but a part of me knows you and knows what type of a man you are. I also know how serious you take marriage, so I know this for you is the real deal.
I looked at my best friend who has now become a brother.
Me: Sometimes gifts comes in unexpected ways and circumstances.
Zola: I pray she feels about you the same way you feel about her.
Me: Me too
He hugged me and left as I stood there for a while thinking how am I going to make this work.

I sat stood by the sink in the bathroom for a while. I never thought ill be getting married to a person to avoid a bullet in my head. I washed my face again and looked up the mirror to find him standing there looking as if my tears hurt him.
Me: I don't want to get married
Phila: Give me another solution than.
I closed my eyes and in minutes I felt his arms around me holding me tight and my body leaned on him more like melting towards him as I smelt the musky earthy smell. I opened my eyes shocked at how my body is reacting towards him.
Phila: I promise am not going to be a bad husband, i know nothing about marriage too but I do know how to be kind towards a person.
My voice was gone since we were touching. He turned me around and cupped my face.
Phila: Nkosazana, do me the honours of becoming my wife.
I was silent as I felt his warm hands on my face and smelt him all around me giving me that warm comforty feeling. I had no words but I nodded and he bent down giving me a light kiss that was broken by the bell ringing.
Phila: That hair and make up.
Me: I don't know what to do to my hair.
Phila: Anything will look nice on you. He left me by the bathroom and went out. I looked myself in the mirror " did I just say yes to marrying a gangster?" I touch my lips feeling where his lips were and caught myself smiling. " oh my gosh an in love with my kidnapper/gangster" what am I going to do??....

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