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I got to the kitchen made the family breakfast and we sat down as the door bell rang.Ntokazi got up and came back with beautiful blue roses and a box. She handed me the blue roses and I smiled and a small note was there " For the most loving mother any child could ever ask for"
I looked at Ntokazi.
Ntokazi: aybo i didn't send you anything
Nkosana tore the envelope and took out tickets to North Dakota.
Cele: we literally know no one there.
Me: I know
Ntokazi: There is a note
" Sometimes we can't explain our actions but can only hope to amend them.

From your loving daughter "
Ntokazi looked at me shrugged.
Me: Who could do this?
Ntokazi: its not me but am definitely going to that North Dakota.
She opened the box and screamed with joy.
Me: Yini?
She took out a dress that had little bees on them and I laughed
Ntokazi: This is a custom made bee line of the best fashion designer in the world.
Me: Its has little bees though
Cele: aw yekele intombi yami... uzoba muhle wena.
Nkosana: anything for me?
She took out a box inside and gave it to him and he opened it screaming and took out the shoes his been nagging me to buy.
Nkosana:am the first SA kid to own these Jordans.
Ntokazi: Same here.
Me: Your fashion sense kills me.

I woke up to Nkosazana vomiting in the bathroom. I woke up and got there to help her with her hair than when she was done she brushed her teeth and sat on the toilet seat.
Me:you been doing this for a week now, the flu is gone yet you still vomiting.
Nkosazana: Ill be okay
I walked to my office and got her a vitamin shot to help with the light headedness and helped her to bed and tucked her in.
Nkosazana: Thanks
Me: Maybe you should see a doctor
She looked at me and I laughed.
Me: Not me. Like a normal GP
Nkosazana: You been helping me and am much better.
Me: Remember we have a trip in a few weeks to The Bahamas.
Nkosazana: I know and iv been working out but instead am gaining weight.
Me: Iv noticed. But I like it.
Nkosazana: That am gaining?
Me: Yep.its all in the right places.
Nkosazana: Whatever she went deeper in the blankets. I knew she was pregnant but I was scared in telling her and wanted her to find out herself. The past few months have been rocky with us. Starting over her in North Dakota opening some clubs and investing in properties. Its hasn't been easy but the guys and Us have pulled it off.  Iv been planning a surprise for her to have her family here in the next coming days and forall of us to take a trip to The Bahamas after a week to see Nkosi and maybe all that will help her get the closure she need in order to be her. Yes we have new names and got new jobs but we missed being home and experiencing like in Africa.
Me:am making a doctors appointment
Nkosazana: Do as you wish am sleeping

Its been months since iv been searching for Nkosazana and there have been nothing. He never came for Hlophe funeral. Her parents were moaning her death like literally everyone believed that she was gone. I started believing it but a part of me kept in telling me that she isn't. All that was staged. I walked to the lounge and found Linda Mkhonto laying there naked. She was now my regular fuck buddy.
Linda: You good?
Me: Yeah
Linda: You look kinda down
Me: am fine. I drowned my drink and walked back to her ready for more action.....

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