Insert 17:

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I woke up to a smell of coffee and my tummy growled. I opened one eye to find a mug on the side table and I grinned fully getting up and taking the cup to find Phila standing there without a top and looking handsome. The dragon tail showing on his side.
Phila: Good afternoon
Me: what time did we sleep
Phila: 6:30 am
Me: Oh my gosh.
Phila:you were having to much fun yesterday
Me: your friends and family are sweet.
I took a cup of coffee and closed my eyes enjoying it to the fullest.

I woke up my phone buzzing confirming that the Cele family are Nkosazana biological family. I called one of the rookies to break the news while I go to her family to see what happened.

She looked amazing with her hair a mess and relaxed. She looked at her finger and saw her blushing. I guess she also can't believe that she married. I didn't get her anything fancy just a infinity band with a few diamonds matching mines.
Nkosazana: You staring at me
Me: a man isn't allowed to look at his wife?
She blushed and I walked to the bed.
Me: We have to come up with a plan of how to get you back to the world
Nkosazana: i have an idea that you wouldn't like
Me: why you say that?
Nkosazana: its a little extreme
Me: How so?
Nkosazana: you will have to bash me.
I kept quiet for a second thinking she would say she is joking but she looked at me serious.
Me: I think you still have alcohol in your system.

She looked at me with her bright eyes.
Me: we both know I didn't drink last night
Phila: than bekuphuza bona kudakwe wena
I looked at him drink his coffee and I took a sip.
Phila: Am not hitting you
Me: its the only way. If I go back glowing like I am right now. Any story I say won't be believable.
Phila: who said you glowing?
I laughed at him cause I saw how I look.
Me: Its fine, i knew you would chicken out.
Phila: am not chickening out, which crazy wife ask her husband to beat them up?
Me: am not crazy, our situation requires that action.
The bell rang and I got out of bed to find out am only wearing a top. So i took his gown and walked out of the room.
Phila: Its my door.
Me: we married its our house and am allowed to have visitors. I walked passed him buzzing in the guys as they got in and greeted.
Mlu: why you so sour?
Me: I just told him our only way out of this kidnapping charge.
Zola: oh

I watched as the lowered a heavy bag on my lounge.
Me: what the bag for?
Nkosazana: the torturing
I looked at her.
Me: You fucken crazy
Nkosazana: Look am not going to jail for you or the guys. Am in this now and the only way to be out of this kidnapping charge is this. Now you can sit and watch or you go and let us take care of the matter. She pulled a chair sitting on it and looked at Xola
Nkosazana: Tie me
This girl is fucken crazy.
Me: move one step and Ill kill you Xola
Nkosazana: his been signing that tune with me whole day yesterday. He wont do it. Now come tie me up tight so the rope digs on my flesh.
Did I just marry a psycho? Is this what people wake up to after hours ago of celebrating the wedding?
Me: No body moves.

" i agree with Phila this is extreme "
Phila: Thank you someone sees you crazy too.
I watched as she got up went to the bag digging a few times and took out something fast and rushed to Phila and l taser him full on his chest letting the coffee spill to the floor as he went down.
Nkosazana: Who else disagrees with my plan?
We all kept quiet
Nkosana: Now do your worst. She sat down and one by one we beat her with anything making this look as surreal as possible with her cries.
Mlu: Phila is going to kill us
Zola: We all stand together on this. She the one that said to do our worse
Xola: We dead man walking guys
Me:Who driving her to the hospital
We were all quiet
Me: okay ke who ditching her closer to the hospital
Mlu: I think we should all go
We picked her unconscious body up and placed her in the van and drove ditching her in a bin nearby the hospital and getting a para to go throw something for us there and we watched as he ran flagging a police car and we watched as she was taken out.
Mlu: what if we went overboard and killed her?
Zola: she tasered her husband who happens to be a qualified doctor.
Xola: If anything happens to her, we are dead
Me:she was breathing so we good
I took out the phone calling a cleaner to clean up all the blood.
Zola: what you doing
Me: am not going back to his house until we hear she is well.
Zola: I see, good idea!....

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