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I looked at her as Mlu started panicking.
Mlu: Holy shit, ngishilo.
Zola: we need to go
I stood there looking at her and I took out my cuffs and cuffed her. Went to a lady who had a scarf around her neck.
Me: turn around.
She did and i blinded her. And moved looking at everyone who was looking at us in fear.
Me: No one moves and count to 20 before you call the cops... got it? Or I kill her. I took out a knife and placed it on her neck cutting her a bit nothing deep , i just wanted blood to show and they screamed.
Ntokozo in my ear.
Ntokozo: you need to move boss.
I grabbed her over my shoulder and she was light picked up the bag and moved with the guys. We got in the car and drove off

The phone rang and i picked up.
Me: what?
Voice: they hit the first national bank of they deposit boxes that carry jewellery. That are insured and are above 50k we looking at 8 billion worth of jewellery.
I hung up and started calling Nkosazana.

Her phone rang.
Mlu: holy fuck
I moved and took her phone out and threw it out of the window.
Me: Change of plans guys. Go to my beach house.
We drove in silence. She wasn't speaking like how any panicked person would but was calm. We got to my house I picked her out of the car and walked with her to the lounge I placed her by the sofa and walked with the guys to the kitchen where everyone erupted all at once.

I could hear them arguing in hush tones and I just sat there counting from 1 till 20 over and over again. Anything to calm me down, what on earth was I thinking calling him. I must be the most stupid person ever. Next thing he removed my wrapper and I  looked into 5 faces looking at me. The one that I knew is a panickier pacing up and down.
Phila: Nkosazana
He removed my cuffs and i looked at him confused.

She looked at us and kept quiet for some time.
Mlu: She not talking
Xola: calm down bafo.
Mlu: why isn't she talking?
Nkosazana: hi
I saw Mlu breathe.

I looked at them. They were normal civil guys in suits. I really don't get it, why do they steal.

Ntokozo: hi
Nkosazana: you must be the tech guy... she looked at Xola...
" muscle guy"
She looked at Mlu
" engineers and organise"
Turned to Zola
" guns and fast thinker"
Than looked right at me.
"The brains and killer"
I looked right back at her.

There were all quite as the tech guy came with a plaster and gave me to put on my neck. I took it and applied the plaster.
Phila: Want anything?
Mlu: why are we offering her anything? She is a cop
Me: technically am not
They all looked at each other and than at me.
Me: a cop is someone who went for training and can arrest people and owns a gun that can shoot criminals, am just an analyst. No gun, no training.
Mlu: But you have a badge?
Me: yes to help me get information when I need it.
Mlu: Than you a cop.
Me: that makes you a cop too.
The room went silent as he started panicking.
Mlu: she knows me guy... oh my gosh she fucken knows who I am.
Phila: Just calm down and let me think
Xola: nah boss she needs to go
Phila: would everyone just shut the hell up!!
He raised is voice and we all kept quiet as he looked at me and I closed my eyes.

Its been one hell of a day. Nkosazana was taken after she whispered something. None of the witnesses know what she said that got the robbers freaked and taking her hostage. In all of the crimes they have never taken an hostage why now? And why her? I watched the video over and over....

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