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I stood there for a second while Phila jumped up and Enhle stood there with her banging body.
Phila: Its not what you think.
I closed the door left my files at the side table and looked at them with Enhle looking smug.
Enhle: So you screwing the investigator and the opposing lawyer? Is this how ill be getting the information?

I looked at Enhle and than at Nkosazana.
Me: Babe
Nkosazana: hmmm
Me: Am not sleeping with her and haven't been for the past two years.

Enhle: wow
Phila: Can you please shut the hell up and let me explain myself to my wife.
I watched as Enhle nearly choked on her Saliva
Enhle: Wife???
Phila turned looking at her.
Phila: Yes wife.
I don't know how it escalated but they ended up going back and forth with Enhle telling him how he used her all those years so I just left them there went to the bedroom undressed and took a long hot shower with tears streaming down my face.
" how on earth am I going to compete with that "

" Look I know we have been on and off for years now but we both knew that we just fuck buddies"
Enhle: Fuck buddies?
Me: Yes... its been two years since we have fucked and I thought you have moved on from that like how I have"
Enhle: Oh and why did you get you guys to call me?
Me: You are a lawyer are you not?
She kept quiet for some time.
Enhle: Does she know?
Me: We not going down that road. Please leave.
Enhle: So this is it?
Me: Yes
Enhle: I guess ill be sending you a cheque for my services with Scorpion.
Me: Cool.
She tied up her coat took her bag and left. I stood there for a second took a deep breath and turned walking to the bedroom to find the bedroom empty and i walked to the bathroom and the water was on. I sat there for some time but nothing so I got naked and got in the shower to find her sitting there and crying. I moved her a bit and sat down with the shower splashing us.
Me: I didn't sleep with her
Nkosazana: I know
That took me back.
Me: Than why you crying?
Nkosazana: I don't know, its just hurts to think about it.
Me: Than don't think
She looked at me wiping her face.
Nkosazana: You naked!
Me: You are in a shower
Nkosazana: I know but you naked with me in a shower
Me: I got worried about you.
Nkosazana: So you came after me?
Me: You my wife!
Nkosazana:  i know but...
I really don't know what pushed me but I kissed her and she welcomed me back as I slowly picked her up. I really needed her so much right now that I wasn't thinking about foreplay and making her need me as much as I needed her that I flipped her over on top of me and slid her down with her moaning so loud as all her inside hugged me making me take a minute to enjoy the pleasure of being in her warm cosy honey pot..

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