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When my uncle hang up something didn't feel right, Phila was so calm and he sounded like he has won

Mlu: how many minutes till impact?
Me: 2 minute
Zola: all cars are still parked?
Me: yep.
Mlu: let barbecue them!!!

I moved to the fridge to get some water when i heard the sound come closer and louder i opened the fridge emptied it all out and got in, just in time for the impact to happen blowing me and the fridge off the wall. I rolled a few times and i opened used all my power to open up the fridge and when I did all around me was rubbles. My uncle and all the man I knew and trusted were gone. Just like that.

" its a wrap"
We clapped hands cheering and heard shouting from the other room and kept quiet.

I watched her pacing up and doing and blowing off steam.
Nkosazana: This isn't what I signed up for Phila. Who are do those bodies belong too?
Me:  a Jane doe
Nkosazana: And how did you get it there?
Me:we have our ways when "🆘" is sent out and everyone do they part.
Nkosazana: I just meet my family and now am dead
Me: I know its hard but its to save us. To save our reputations. Its to also give us another chapter in a new place. A new country.
I watched her look at me in horror
Nkosazana: You telling me am giving up everything that I know and I am? Am giving up my whole life to just be with you? Oh my gosh what did I get myself into Phila?
I saw tears roll down her face just as the news showed another bomb attack confirming that almost twenty bodies were found. She looked at me than walked out of the room into the bathroom banging the door. I walked off to the lounge to see the guys to find them sitting there silently.
Mlu:I guess she not taking it well?
Me: yeah
Zola: she loves you
Me: She right, am asking her to give up too much
Ntokozo: We moving out of the country, start afresh as normal people without having to look over our shoulders. Everything is set all the organisations have offshore accounts that will fund them and the crimes we have done here wont follow us so.
Me: We all signed up for this but she didn't
Xola: she married you knowing who you are. That girl is smart she figured you put in less than a week. Ley it sink in okay.
Me: I don't know anymore
Mlu: If kungazi wena thina siyini?
Zola: We have got each other back remember? Till death do us apart
We all cheered to that but I couldn't shake the feeling that she might hate me for this!

I managed to get to the hotel and shower and pack everything that I need and get the first flight out of here.

3months later.
Life has been hard. After the bombing and the bodies being identified with the guys and two weeks later it was Dr Mazibuko house on flames and his body found surrounded by bottles and that eats me cause I could have tried harder to help him with Nkosazana death. We later found out that the other bombing was Scorpion and his people and we have still not found the drone that did the damage. Mr Hlope died of a heart attack after hearing of Nkosazana death and Zoey went into drugs hard and ended up over dozing. I folded the file of the cases and closed them in a box and left the office. I got home to an envelope and a box on my door step and opened it and found a ticket to Zanzibar for and some papers about a whole week pay in the Bahamas and a note:
" hi friend
I know life is dull without me and my funky outfits but I also know that you deserve a whooping birthday. I hope this helps to take your mind off things

I love you Sbonelo Nkosi. And thank you for being a friend and a brother

Love Nkosazana "
I had tears in my eyes as I opened the doors and got in with the box and opened it and found a shit load of that beer and I laughed at the gesture and a small note. " happy memories"

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