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I slowly walked in looking at all the videos of everywhere in town. Banks, malls and traffic and the police station. I turned to the side and saw gins that iv never seen before. I saw jewellery and stacks and stacks of money. I stood in the middle of the room and for the first time in my life I was out of words.
Phila: You know what this means right?
He looked at me as his were serious and I shook my head yes.
Phila: Say it!
Me: You can never let me go
He nodded and turned leaving me in that room.

Ntokozo: Ill pretend that i know what that means.
Me: She in the team
I watched him explode and talk all at once not making sense.
Me: Calm down,now start from the beginning.
Ntokozo: they pulled up an old special case about the child that went missing at Adding-ton hospital after a woman called the captain telling him she thinks she is the missing cop mother.
Me: holy shit
Ntokozo: yep... i dug into the calls and traced the woman
Me: and?
Ntokozo: Its the Cele family
Me: no
Ntokozo: yes, that girl there might be Busisiwe and Pat Cele daughter.
Me: call the guys over. We need to talk asap

" you really are a curious being"
I turned to find him standing there looking at me. Something was wrong cause of the way he was looking at me.
Me: am sorry
Phila: for?
I raised my hands and he looked at me with his hands in his pockets as of not wanting to touch anything in here.
Me: this is all the evidence i needed to tie you to the case
Phila: too bad that you wont be able to do anything about it.
I looked at him and he sounded so sure.
Me: are my parents not my parents?

I looked at her and i saw it bothered her but she was trying to act strong.
Me: you want the lie or truth
Nkosazana: truth
Me: its a possibility that you might not be a Hlope
Nkosazana: So my dad is not my dad
Me: Its possible
Nkosazana: I see, what now?
Me: Now you come with me.
I left the piece of paper that i got there and walked out as he closed the doors. We walked to the kitchen where all four guys were there.
Phila: I know you guys are worried but I got this
Mlu: How? She is judge Cele daughter!!!
Nkosazana: My potential parents are judges?
Me: i have an answer to all our problems.
Ntokozo: And that is
I closed my eyes for a second and opened them again looking at all of them.
Me: Am going to marry her, that way she can't testify against me as her husband which means we safe, judge Cele Can't prosecute our cases and she can go back home and the pressure is off.
Nkosazana: What?
I looked at everyone faces as they all looked at me as if am crazy. Than they all blew up talking at the same time....

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