Insert 19

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I looked at her eager eyes
" its okay we will speak about it later"
Nkosazana: Come on
Me: Its can wait.
Nkosazana: You sure?
Me: Yes am sure.
Nkosazana: okay if you say so. How far are you in catching them?
Me:am hitting a brick wall
Nkosazana: Bring everything you have so far, a fresh eye might help.
Me: A fresh blue eye?
She smiled giving my heart mini flip flops.
Nkosazana: now i have motivation to catch them, they tortured me
Me: I know. But you need to heal first
She nodded and her doctor walked in.
Me: Ill see you a little later okay?
She nodded. I took my coat and left them two.

She looked much better. I checked her vitals in silence and when done turned to leave
Nkosazana: Am sorry
I turned and looked at her than left her sitting there without a word.

I had to get some fresh air before i made a mess of things. What if she doesn't feel the same way as I feel?

I got the news that Nkosazana was found and i went to the hospital that she was at and found her sitting there looking horrific and as if a lot is on her mind.
Me: hi
I stood by the door and she looked at me closed her eyes as if she getting courage to talk to me.
Nkosazana: hi
Me: you okay?
Nkosazana: iv seen better days.
I moved closer to her and sat by the chair that was there.
Me: Am sorry!
Nkosazana: about?
Me: Mom and dad kidnapping you all those years ago and keeping you as they own. Robbing you of your parents love.

I looked at her.
Me: Excuse me?
I saw she was enjoying this.
Zoey: You haven't heard?
Me: Can you please leave!
She sat there.
Zoey: I knew you were not a Hlophe
Me: Phuma!
Zoey: and how you did everything you could to turn daddy against me.
I roared and I think because iv never shouted at her my whole life she jumped and left grinning like a psycho bitch.

I bumped into the hottest doctor iv ever seen in my life on my way out. He didn't even look at me as he went to my sisters room. I stood there for a second than turned and left smiling.

I walked in to find her in tears crying. I sat next to her and held her hand.
Nkosazana: tell me what the news about my disappearance?
That took me back a bit.
Me: I don't know much but they say the Cele family might be your biological parents.
Nkosazana: so she was right?
Me: Who
Nkosazana: Zoey... the Hlope family stole me?
Me: No one knows yet as to what truly happened as the police are investigating.
Nkosazana: I see
Me: Hey you stronger than this.
Nkosazana: I knew that she hated me but why steal a child than hate them all they life? Its just doesn't make sense.
Me: Stop stressing yourself with this. For now you need to rest cause am taking you home tomorrow.
Nkosazana: home?
Me: Yes our home
She looked at me a little worried.
Nkosazana: I can't just move in with you
Me: Why not?
Nkosazana: i know you my husband but only you and I know that. Hack I never dated before and boom now I move in with a guy who happens to be my doctor? We got to play this out slow. Let the world get use to us as a couple first before we spring out the fact that we married.
I looked at her, she made lots of sense but am not sleeping alone, not when I have a wife.
Me: You figure it out but tomorrow night you coming home with me.
I got up kissed her cheek and left her there going to work...

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