Insert 23:

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I was driving like a maniac to the club.

I have no idea how i got drunk but after a few sips tasting some wine some girl was having after they asked me to drink and now here I was dancing to Dj Thukzin a guy I only heard about a few minute ago and here I was dancing my life out. When Mlu and Xola walked in I knew it was a matter of time before Phila walked in those door so I moved to the stage and danced. Oupa was panicking cause he knows I have never drank anything in my life. I found myself with a mic and there Phila stood by the door.
" ladies is and gentlemen
Tonight is your lucky night"
Everyone was screaming.
" the lovely man there at the back wearing Puma track pants was kind enough to but each and every one of you some shots..."
The crowd went crazy.
" bartender bring those shot!!"
I started chanting shots shots shots and the whole club went crazy screaming it and I saw him signal for bartenders to distribute.
" To life with Phila!!!"
People chanted the same words not understanding what I meant and Oupa helped me down.
Oupa: Who that angry man?
Me: My husband
I showed him my hand
Oupa: Since when?
Me: Here comes my lovely husband. Phila this is Oupa my childhood friend and confidant and Oupa the Phila my husband.
Oupa: Am sorry, she doesn't drink but today...
Phila: Its okay, ill take her home.
Me:hmmm Mlu
He looked at me. I took the keys out and gave it to him.
Me: Oupa trust only me with his truck, and I trust you. Now can you drop him off at home with his friends
Mlu: Sho boss lady
Me: Thanks.
I turned to Oupa
Me: You safe and text me in the morning when you up
Oupa: Will do.
I hugged him and tried to walk which was a struggle so phila picked me up and he walked out to the car, placed me in the back seat got in the car and drove off speeding. I kept quiet.

I drove to my place with her. Than got in there picked her up walked into the house and placed her on the floor. She was quiet as I walked to the bathroom and adjusted the shower.
Me: Undress and go bath please.
Nkosazana: Am...
Me: Just take a shower
I left her there went to the kitchen found Ntokozo there.
Ntokozo: I cleared the club camera's and sent out links to everyone at the club when they click on it all videos taken around the time she is there will clear out.
Me: Thanks
Ntokozo: Where is she
Me: shower
Ntokozo: hmm
I looked at him.
Me: what
Ntokozo: Don't be too hard on her, this is all new to her and she coping with it the way she sees fit.
Me: And drinking is one of her coping mechanisms?
Ntokozo: yes
I kept quiet for some time and looked at him.
Me: what are you not telling me?
He raised his hands surrendering and slowly backed away leaving me in the kitchen with my thoughts and I made her lemon tea and walked to the bedroom found her standing by the closet that I had arranged for her to have here. She was looking at a dress that has tiny mushrooms on it.
Me: do you like it?
She turned looking at me
Nkosazana: its mines?
Me: They yours, i know you into crazy clothing so I showed a stylist of mine your style and she arranged your wardrobe like this.
She wiped a tear which confused me.
Nkosazana: you did this all for me?
That made me shy.
Me: Yeah
She turned to all the different colour cardigans i got her and stocking that had funny character.
Nkosazana: you got me Mickey mouse stockings?
I had no idea who the hell is Micky but i nodde.
Nkosazana: and Mickey mouse sneakey
Phila: yeah i got you some sneakers and had a friend that personalised your favourite cartoons on them
She was quiet for sometime than smiled at me.
Nkosazana: why
Me: why what?
Nkosazana: why do all this for me when iv been an ass to you
I kept quiet for some time and went to sit down with her on the floor.
Me: am not the best person to be hitched too but am not the worse too. I love you Nkosazana
She looked at me now crying.
Me: i know we have known each other for a week but as crazy as it may sound. I really do love you.
Nkosazana: i love you too
I looked at her shocked and she smiled nodding. I slowly moved closer to her kissing her.
Me: i should have told you sooner if this was going to be your reaction.
She giggled shyly than looked at her clothes.
Nkosazana: Did you make an extra key for me?
I looked at her.
Me: you moving in?
Nkosazana: these clothes wont fit in my closet.
I laughed
Me: so you moving in because of your clothes?
She shrugged making me laugh as i rolled on top of her as she giggled.

I got to my apartment and worked on the rhythm for Nkosazana idea and finally found a match that we can pin all this on. So i did all the back load of work that Nkosazana gave me to upload than wrote a text using Nkosazana phone number making it look like its from her to Nkosi
" please run these keywords on the system this is just another angle"
Than pressed sent.
I hope her plan work or Phila going to kill us.

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