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I drove back to my house.
Nkosazana: How long do you plan on keeping me here?
Me: I don't know its depends on you
Nkosazana: What you mean?
Me: you shall see.
We got in and I switched on the lights and went to switch on the Tv. I walked back to find her standing by the door as if contemplating if to run.
Me: You can run if you want too
She looked at me.
Nkosazana: You won't run after me?
Me: Nope.
She turned looking at the door again.
Me: but know if one of the guys sees you and knows you have ran away, they won't hesitate to shoot.

I turned and looked at him.
Me: You should have just killed me you know.
Phila: Really
Me: Yes really.
I banged the door and left him standing there as I walked to any other room apart the one that his in. I stood by the door and looked into the huge bedroom that was fully black and the white walls and just like that on one wall was covered with the most beautiful blue roses ever. It was so detailed that I felt like touching it. I stood there looking at how neat everything was slowly walking in the room touching the little things that brought character to the room. I walked into his closet and it was colour co ordinated and I stood there just admiring how clean his place was.
Phila: snooping is rude.
Me: I wasn't snooping
Phila: What do you call being a guest and being found in the closet?
Me: admiring
Phila: really
Me: You very neat
Phila: thank you and stop changing the topic
Me: Am not.
I walked out of the closet and stood by the roses.
Me: What the story behind them?
Phila: Nothing
Me: Its rare for a guy to like flowers
Phila: You really are a curious being
Me: Yeah, so iv been told.
Phila: My dad used to buy my mom blue roses every month and whenever he would give her those flowers. I watched her face many times break into lines of smiles and gratitude and my dad would feel like he has just climbed the biggest mountain or won the biggest lotto.
Me: Your parents really loved each other
Phila: Yes they did. Despite they faults they truly gave me the best childhood.
Me: My dad was my biggest supporter. He was a man of few words but his actions showed that he cared for me.
Phila: You were a daddy girl?
Me: I guess so, when I was young i used to follow him everywhere he went while mom stayed with Zoey.
Phila: i see
Me: When I graduated my dad was in the crowd cheering, iv never seen him so happy and when I got the job at SAPS. He got me my car at a second hand car dealership.
Phila: You a daddy girl
Me: I guess so
Phila: Your mom
Me: She tolerated me.
He looked at me confused.
Me: My mom adored my sister too much. So she just tolerated me as her second child. I got over it at a young age so it never really affected me.
Phila: is that why you moved out of home in the middle of the night?
I looked at him. We were in his room sitting on the floor looking at the blue roses.
Me: You had tabs on me?
Phila: Yes
Me: Why?
Phila: I like knowing where everyone against me is.
Me: Yes that why I moved out in the middle of the night. My sister is a druggie and mom feeds onto it. She moves man to man and have never kept a job for more than a month. At first mom advice was for me to share half of my salary and when I said no there was a huge fight.
Phila: what did your dad say?
Me: Nothing. Ill give my sister half of my money and dad would pay me back secretly.
Phila: He really cared for you
Me: Yeah he does.
Phila: i guess you stopped giving your sister money?
Me: when she has a boyfriend she throws it on my face so I wont give her until that ends and its back to square one.
Phila: Am glad I was the only child.
Me: Family can be stressful
Phila: I see
We were both quiet looking at the roses they really were beautiful and calming.
Phila: am not going to kill you.
Me: why not?
Phila: I like you
Me: Oh

I saw her blush and I smiled.
Me: Sounds like you don't believe it.
Nkosazana: Not every time someone tells me they like me, i tend to have the opposite results.
Me: I see, well I do
Nkosazana: Thank you I guess.
I smiled and somehow she moved closer to me and had my hand over mines and I turned to look at her for sometime that how Ntokozo found us.
Ntokozo: You got to be kidding me!!!
Me: I can explain
Ntokozo: She suppose to be dead.
Me: I know
Ntokozo: Yet here she is
Me: I know
Ntokozo: What the fuck is wrong with you? I knew that something is wrong with you when it comes to her.
Me: would you calm down?
Ntokozo: Bafo the whole fucken city is looking for her, flyers everywhere, dogs and lots of man power everywhere looking for her. Shit people even think she the little girl that was lost 25 years ago!!!

I felt my head spin.
Me: Lost girl?
Both of them looked at me.
I got up and took the nearest remote and pressed it but nothing happened to the tv that was in front of me but instead the wall of roses moved opening a vault and in all my life iv never seen a room full of so much money, jewellery and guns.
I stood there as everything was packed up neatly yet easy to find.
Ntokozo: Now there is really no letting her go!!

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