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The arrest of Mrs Hlope was public and there was an outrage everywhere from people and police catching the bad end of it on how they let things go for so long. Nkosazana was out hospital and was home resting, she been requesting files on the case and the Commander granted that we give her. I sent one of the rookies to send them yesterday and so far she hasn't bothered me. I sat there thinking about how am going to approach her. I really do like her as a person and she has that thing about her that makes you feel whole when you around her. I looked at the files and figured she might not have had lunch maybe i should drop of with one if her favourite meals.

Its been 3 days since iv been out of hospital. Phila has been sleeping over at my house every night and complaining about how small it is. Today I was going to go through some files and I had Ntokozo over going through some system checks trying to find a way to the data base and connecting thinhgs
Me: Are we winning?
Ntokozo: Its been two days of us doing this and we coming up short.
Me: I know
Ntokozo: what exactly are we doing again?
Me: we finding people that are in the same business as you guys who are also dealing on this part of the world so we can catch them. So what Am doing is connecting they crimes to your crimes so it's similar, so that when i ask detective Nkosi to run checks in his system he finds the same similarities making my information solid and you guys are clear! While we investigate them.
He looked at me for some time.
Ntokozo: why didn't we think of that own our own?
Me: cause am smarter than you guys
He laughed.
Ntokozo: and you didn't tell Phila this because?
Me: I can't really say " hey look what am thinking"
Ntokozo: why not?
Me: He will say no
Ntokozo: to you helping?
Me: To me even suggesting help.
Ntokozo: so why you helping?
Me: I don't know
He looked at me folding his arms and smiling.
Me: What?
Ntokozo: its funny how you two are
Me: funny how?
Ntokozo: his over protective of you and you over protective of him yet you lazy to tell each other what exactly you guys are feeling for each other.
Me: Which us?
Ntokozo: Oh no, am not about to ruin my bet
Me: bet?
Ntokozo: Yep. The guys and a I have a bet on you so you figure it out yourself
There was a knock on my door and i watched him stand by the frame not visible with his gun out. I walked to the door and opened it to find Nkosi standing there with fish aways in his hand.
Me: boss
Nkosi: Sbonelo
I looked at him confused
Nkosi: that my name Nkosazana
Me: I didn't paint you as a Sbo kind of a guy
We both laughed
Me: let me get the keys for the bulgar gates.
I walked back to the lounge cleaned up the extra cup and stuff and helped Ntokozo sneak out from the sliding doors and went back opened up for him.
Me: what brings you this side
Nkosi: i figured you might be bored out of you mind
Me: i was actually going through some work
Nkosi: i was wondering why my phone not ringing
I laughed
Me: a still wrapping my head around it. I help dish out for him opened the fridge took out one of Phila drinks and gave him
Nkosi: you drink?
Me: nope, its for guests
Nkosi: you make your guest drink exported beer?
I took a bottle and looked at it.
Me: this is exported beer?
Nkosi: yep is 110 dollar for six pack in japan.
Me: you must be kidding me.
I opened the fridge and there was more than 6
Nkosi: yep, Space Barley is they name.
Me: hmmm
Nkosi: You didn't know
Me: nope
He opened it up and drank it with his eyes closed and grinned.
Nkosi: it worth it
Me: Let me taste
I took his bottle took a sip and looked at him after coughing it out.
Me: Its sour
Nkosi: its beer
I drank water and wiped the floor. I sat on the high chair and dished out for both of us
Nkosi: going to tell me where the beer comes from?
Me: Nope

I looked at her, i knew you have to be a real beer drinker like I to love this.
Me: i can guess?
Nkosazana: Am not answering that Sbonelo
She said my name funny and I laughed eating.
Me: Going to tell me who he is?
She turned looking at me.
Nkosazana:how did you know
Me: A girl as beautiful and smart as you cant be single
She laughed as if in disbelief.
Me: Plus iv been here before remember, i swapped your whole house and you never had a coffee machine, and a skillet and toaster

I looked at all the things that he was pointing at.
Nkosi: and those are not regular coffee appliances.
Me: am I under investigation?
He grinned.
Nkosi: Am sorry if am being to curious.
Me: No its fine, i am seeing someone. I thought its something new and we moving slowly and frankly I didn't notice these small changes until you pointed them out.
He laughed
Nkosi: really?
Me: yep
Nkosi: well rest assured the guy is marking his territory
Me: looks that way.

I looked at her smiling and I knew she will never see me as a boyfriend but more of a friend or brother.
Me: Are you happy?
She kept quiet a bit than smiled.
Nkosazana: There not much to be happy about in my life, but he makes things worth it.
Me: That good
Nkosazana: yeah but am not sure he likes me as much I like him.
Me: He brought his coffee machine here, he loves you as much as his coffee.
We both laughed.
Nkosazana: Thanks
Me: For?
Nkosazana: Coming by, I didn't think i needed this until you got here.
Me: Its a pleasure.
We ate talking about work and mostly me updating her on things. I took my feelings and shoved them deep, maybe for now all I need to be is be her friend..

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