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I walked into the building and found everyone busy and the place a buzz. I walked onto captain Nkosi office and he hugged me. He was so happy, just than the commander walked in smiling.
Commander: Nkosazana, Nkosi tells me this is a little hunch from you that got the ball rolling.'
Me: Oh
Nkosi: Yep your sms pointed me in the right direction and 5 arrests later here we are and you won't believe where we found him?
Me: Where?
Nkosi: His from Johannesburg but he was here on"business"
Me: Where are they now?
Nkosi: Holding investigating rooms.
Commander: If you want to see them you can so you can identify who hit you.
Me: thank you i will
My phone was ringing and I looked at the number that I didn't know.
Me: Hello

I know i should have waited for her to be the one calling me but its been a week now.
Me: Hi please don't hung up.
Nkosazana: Okay...
Me: Its Busisiwe Cele
Than there was silence

I slowly moved out of the office and got in the next one sitting down.
Busisiwe: Helo
Me: am here
Busisiwe: sorry to just call
Me: Its okay
Busisiwe: Will it be to much to ask you over for lunch or dinner. Whichever easier for you.
Me: uhmmm
Busisiwe: Please
I took a long breath, I wasn't ready for this yet but I can only imagine what they might be going through right now.
Me: Okay, i can do dinner.
She squealed making me laugh.
Busisiwe: Thank you, ill send you the address
Me: Thanks
Busisiwe: You can bring a friend if you want, whatever that going to make you comfortable.
Me: Thank you, ill see you later
Busisiwe: Okay. Bye
She hung up and I sat there for a second as Nkosi walked in with a file.
Nkosi: You good?
Me: Yeah, that was my biological mom
Nkosi: Oh
Me: she wants us to meet and I kinda don't know what to say to her.
Nkosi: Just be you
Me: Yeah?
Nkosi: You rub off on people.
Me: Thanks.
Nkosi: ready?
Me: For?
Nkosi: Taking a crack at the guys, they have been here since 3am and they haven't spoken.
Me: oh
Nkosi: yeah let go

I waited in Ntokozo lounge for him to be back and the minute he walked in he froze.
Ntokozo: what are you doing here bafo.
Phila: so that how greet me these days?
Ntokozo: aw bafo
Me: Last time i check you hated being in the public
Ntokozo:i still do
Me:yet today you have done so much of traveling!
Ntokozo: she made me do it
Me:do what
Ntokozo: manipulate the system to generate results, what we didn't count on it for it to spew up suspects.
Me:Start from the beginning.
He wont telling me about a system that the created in 3 days to generate more suspects to widen the investigation but not taking into account that it will narrow down the list.
Me: what wrong with you bafo? Since when did you become so stupid
Ntokozo: she made it sound so simple.
Me: I don't get it, a few weeks ago yourl hated the idea that she poking around now you helping her?
Ntokozo: she cares for us
Me: Us?
Ntokozo: yes you and us
I looked at my long time friend and the conviction he said his statement.
Me: so now what? You guys are hanging Scorpion and his guys for this?
Ntokozo: she fixing that
Me: how Ntokozo!!!! She is jut a kid, she doesn't know our world and how we operate.
Ntokozo: that where you come in angithi

I watched him as he slowly lost his cool. He really cared about her.
Phila: i do not want her in this
Me: too late. I switched on my system and activated her cellphone speaker for us to her the conversation she having with people around her.
Phila: remind me to switch off my phone when I go in important meetings
I laughed.
" technology will be the end of us".

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