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After Nkosi left I cleaned a bit around the house and noticed that I have so many things that belong to Phila. i had another couch, bigger Tv and a whole sound system. His games and joysticks were there and in the bedroom there were half his clothes in my closet, heck the bedding was black and I don't remember buying a black bedding. I touched it and it was silk, i walked towards the bathroom and found his shampoo and stuff.
Phila: Hi
I turned to find him standing there holding blue roses in his hand and a small box.
Me: Hi
He walked closer kissed my cheek and handed me the flowers. I smiled remembering the gesture his father used to do and smelt them.
Me: Keeping tradition?
Phila: Yeah.
I walked out took a vase and placed them in there. He placed the small box next to the flowers.
Me: this is mine too?
Phila: yep
I opened it and saw the cutest chain ever with a small heart and a stone in it.
Me: This is beautiful
Phila: Want me to help you?
I nodded and he helped me with it and He walked me to a full length mirror on my wall that I never knew was there.
Me: thank you

She didn't sound herself. I turned her around and looked at her.
Me: Wassup?
Nkosazana: Its nothing
Me: Not when you sulking and I can see it
Nkosazana: Its been 3 days since iv been out of hospital and all your things are here.
Me: Okay and?
She looked at me frustrated.
Nkosazana: Its nothing.
Me: I won't know if you don't talk. I walked to the tiny fridge and took out a beer to see 3 beers missing. I stood there for sometime thinking cause I know she doesn't drink. I went to the bin and found them there. I looked at her and she was standing there silently.
Me: You were telling me about my things being in your apartment. I took the beer opened it and drank.
Nkosazana: Its feels like you moving in.
Me: Well Nkosazana that what happens when you are married, people move in together.
Nkosazana: I know but
Me: Did you have visitors today?
Nkosazana: Yes
Me: Who
Nkosazana: Nkosi
Me: Hmm, i see he brought you food and you offered him beer
Nkosazana: Yep
Me: And you'll spoke about?
Nkosazana: stuff
Me: So the conversation you and I are having has nothing to do with him being here?

I kept quiet and looked at him.
Me: That besides the point
I saw him change from being calm to being angry in a flash.
Phila: you a very smart person Nkosazana but you can be very stupid.
Me: What does that mean.
Phila: Its means fine ill leave.
I watched him take his beer and wear sneakers grab his keys and leave. I stood there confused.What did I do or say that was wrong? And what am I being stupid about?
I opened the fridge and took one of the beers as my phone rang. I answered.
Me: Hi
Oupa: You good?
Me: Yeah am good.
Oupa: I know you healing but i literally have no one to call and everyone that am with are kind of drunk. So please come fetch us? You can uber her and drive my car back. Like you literally the only person I trust to drive my van.
Me: Sure
Oupa: Ngiyabonga sisiwami. We at egagasini
Me: Ill come through.
I left his bear went to change to his hoodie and my black jeans and white sneakers. Downloaded the uber app and went there. Saw Oupa truck but there were not there so I went in the club and found him with his friends and girlfriend drunk beyond words.
Oupa: our ride is here. He screamed giving me the keys as his friends called the bartender for more shots.
Oupa: 10 more minutes. I nodded.

I just woke up from a nap when my phone was ringing none stop. I got up and checked it to see it Mlu and I ignored it cause where ever he is, his panicking over nothing. I got in the shower took a shower while thinking. I really dont get Nkosazana. Am being as patience as I could with her but she just pushing me away not even leaving a small whole for me to bounce in. I got out of the shower took my phone and saw Mlu and Xola million texts than a video of Nkosazana dancing on top of the table.
Phila: What the fuck?....

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