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The drive to the meeting I was thinking about her. The way her eyes were so bright with intelligence. You could see from afar that she is a geek nerd. She had her hair in a bun and was wearing those big nerd glasses. Her outfit was actually hilarious she was wearing black stockings that had cherries everywhere and she had on a black dress with a red cardigan. She looked cute though. I looked to everyone looking at me.
Me: Sorry did you guys say something?

I sat there watched him get in his black BMW and drive off. The guy was sizzling hot, he had short hair. An amazing smile and perfect white teeth that were straight and he was tall and muscular and and and.... thixo wamie!!!
I got up took my files and made sure am not leaving anything and left to the office got there earlier than everyone. My phone rand.
Me: Hello
Voice: This is the first national bank
Me: Yes
Voice: we see activity with you trying to use your a that was reported lost.
Me: When?
Voice: Now at Mega city
Me: Did I not block the card?
Voice : Its still shows active on the system.
Me: Please block it.
I got on the app and moved all my money into my savings so the active account is empty.
Me: Will I be able to see the camera footage please?
Voice: Will have to come to the bank and fill in the forms that will allow us access.
Me: Is tomorrow fine?
Voice: Is 11 am okay?
Me: Yes and thank you, kindly freeze my account till i come there tomorrow.
Voice: Will do. Enjoy your day Miss Hlophe. They hang up and I walked to captain Nkosi office he looked fresher today.
Me: Boss
Nkosi:If I wasn't going to be charged with harassment I would have kissed you
Me: Okay... why?
Nkosi:The bottles are from the crimes. You see with each crime they always left a note to the manager, a simple " Sorry but thank you"That information we never gave to anyone out of fear of leaks. Anyways we gave the letters from the bottle to the expects and they matched it. Its a fucken match girl!!! The same person who wrote those notes is the same person with these bottles.
We were both screaming and jumping up and down and slowly calmed down.
Nkosi: You a fucken genius, where were you 10 years ago?
Me: School?
We both laughed.
Nkosi: I need you to take the information to the Districts Attorney Office and lay it all out fo her.
Me: That cool with me.
Nkosi: Thank you
Me: For?
Nkosi: giving me hope. Its been 10 years of hitting a brick wall and now. Now things are better. So thank you
Me: Let catch them first boss and celebrate afterwards. He smiled and he looked like a normal person. I turned and walked out.

I looked at the card that I took from my sister bag and threw it in the bin. Where the hell am I going to get money? Ever since Nkosazana has left things are tense between mom and dad. Mom is still being that supportive parent but dad has withdrawn bit and is hiding his valuables like crazy. I stood there thinking what to do next so I can get my next fix.

The drive home was silent as Zola dropped me off and he left. I found Mlu in my apartment pacing.
Me: What now?
Mlu: She was at the District offices
Me: Who?
Mlu: The girl!!
Me: Today?
Mlu: Right now. So I packed up things in my office and left.
I looked at my primary school friend who was pacing now.
Me: You do know you work at the district office!
Mlu: Yes
Me: And people from all departments comes there.
Mlu: Yes
Me: So her being there doesn't mean she there to se the District attorney Its the district office. They are a million departments there. Just like your department for instance. You in engineering right?
Mlu: I know you think am panicking for nothing but that girl is investigating us and she is doing it day and night!!.

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