2 | Matching Energy.

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"What do you think about this?" Said Emma as she held up a cute top

"Yeah, it's cute..." Said, Liam

"On a scale from 1-10?" Said Emma holding it up to her chest

"Umm, 8" Said Liam

"How long do you think it'll last on me?" Said Emma smirking at Liam

"Depends, The faster we leave, the faster it'll be off" Said Liam flirting back

"Don't rush me" Said Emma playfully

"Well we have to go meet up with the group at the cafe, So we need to go" Said Liam

"Alright fine let's go" Said Emma walking past him

"No picture?" Said Liam catching her attention

Emma turned around to Liam and rolled her eyes as she pulled out her phone

"Where's the mirror?" Said Emma smiling

"Right over here" Said Liam flirting

"Alright ready," Said Emma as she holds up her phone; Taking a picture of them in the mirror

"Mhm," Said Liam as he held onto her waist; Before she began snapping photos

"This one is cute," Said Emma showing him the photo

"This one is cute," Said Emma showing him the photo

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"Thanks, babe," Said Emma as she kissed him

"I couldn't forget" Said Liam kissing her again

"Alright let's go" Said Liam as he slipped his hand into her's

After Emma checked out her clothes they made their way back to the car. They drove off in the direction of the cafe they were all meeting at.

"Why are we even going anyways?" Said, Emma

"I could ask you the same thing," said Liam

"I think they wanted to plan something, I don't know" Said Emma pulling out her phone

"Plan what?" Said, Liam

"Well we'll find out when we get there," said, Emma

Liam looked over at Emma who was looking at herself in the reflection of her phone. He admires how pretty she looks when she's focused. Even though she might be the mean and bitchy one out of the group she still keeps up her friendship with them.

"What?" Said Emma looking over at Liam

"Just admiring you," Said Liam smirking

"Your such a simp," Said Emma scoffing

"Is that so." Said, Liam

"You have a lot of mouth on you," said Emma chuckling

"Only to you I do" Said Liam smirking

Emma smiled at Liam who turned his attention back to the road. She knows how much of a flirt he is. He's a charming guy that fell into her hands. They both are similar, So you can say they match each other's energy

"Alright I think that's Nate's car," Said Liam; As he pulled into the parking lot

"Looks like there already here" Said Emma grabbing her purse

"Were late" Said Liam parking the car

"We had important things to do" Said Emma shrugging her shoulders

"We will afterwards," Said Liam smirking

"Shut up Liam"

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