15 | Ghoul Morning.

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Halloween Morning...

"Good Morning," Said Lilly smiling as Colten turned around to face her

"Morning" Said Colten in his sleepy voice as he wrapped his muscular arms around her

"Did you sleep good" Said Lilly taking in his body heat

"Yeah, You?" Said Colten looking down at her

"Yeah," Said Lilly as she leaned in for a kiss.

"What time is it," said Colten breaking their kiss

"Umm, It's 8:30" Said Lilly

"Shit I have a meeting to go to soon," Said Colten as he stretched

"Have fun at that" Said Lilly teasing him

"I bet I will" Said Colten kissing her

"Also, I have everyone preparing for the party tonight already; Just see if you guys wanna make any changes," Said Colten as he got up.

"Okay, Thank you again" Said Lilly

"It was my pleasure" Said Colten, Smirking as he puts on his clothes

"Are you going to come tonight?" Said Lilly

"To the party?" Asked Colten

"Yeah, You should come" Said Lilly

"We'll see" Said Colten chuckling

"What if I told you; You have a date," Said Lilly smirking

"And who would that be" Said Colten sitting down on the bed

"I don't know, she could be downstairs, In the halls, or maybe even right in front of you," Said Lilly as she kissed him

"I don't even have a costume" Said Colten

"I have one for you," Said Lilly as she got up and went into one of the drawers and held out a joker costume

"The joker?" Said Colten laughing

"Yeah, We'll be Harlequin and the Joker" Said Lilly as she threw the costume onto the bed beside him

"We'll see" Said Colten smiling as he picked up the costume and walked towards the door

"I'll see you tonight" Said Lilly

"Maybe," said Colten as he walked out of the room

Lilly smiled as she watched the door shut. She hopes Colten shows up in the costume tonight. It was originally for her and Nate but she didn't want any parts of him. She knew today was the day the group has been waiting for... The Halloween party! She got up and headed to the bathroom to get dressed and help set up for tonight. As she puts on her clothes her phone buzzes on the charger. She goes over and picks it up thinking that it's Colten but it was Nate...

"Morning babe, Sorry for the late response, I couldn't leave the hospital yesterday but I left early this morning. Gonna be over there soon, Can't wait to see you guys"

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