18 | Boo B*tch.

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The Halloween Party...

"It looks nice downstairs," Said Emma

"Yeah It does, I think people are starting to arrive" Said Olivia

The girls all get ready together; As the guest start to arrive downstairs. The guys get ready in a separate room as well. They're all dressed up in their costumes; feeling in the spirit for tonight.

"Are you guy's ready?" Said Chase knocking on the girl's door

"Yeah we are, You can come in" Said Olivia; As the door opened and all three of them came inside

"You look great," Said Liam as he kissed Emma

"I think mostly everyone is here," said Chase

"Then we should probably get down there," Said Olivia; As she finished putting on her lipstick

Nate looked over at Lilly who was finishing off her makeup; She was dressed in a completely different costume from what they planned.

"Hey," Said Nate slightly smiling at her

"Hey," Said Lilly as she looked at him through the mirror

"Your Harlequin," Asked Nate

"Yeah I am" Said Lilly

"So no more Angel and Devil costume," Said, Nate

"I thought it was too basic for the party, So I figured I'd do a classic but eye-catching costume," Said Lilly smiling

"Well you could've told me, I would've done the same" Said Nate

"I didn't want to bother you about a silly costume while you were dealing with the emergency back home" Said Lilly as she walked past him

"Alright you guys ready," Said Olivia

"Yeah we're ready," said Emma

"I am too," said a voice from behind. Everyone looked over at the door. It was Colten leaning on the door frame; dressed as the Joker. Lilly admired how attractive he looked in costume. The way the shirt peaks through his abs and the face paint sets on his smooth skin; And his hair falls perfectly. Colten looked over at Lilly with a smirk, causing her to blush while Nate observed.

"Alright let's go" Said Chase as everyone followed, Colten waited till everyone left the room until it was just him and Lilly

"You look amazing" Said Colten as he wrapped his hands around her waist

"You do too," Said Lilly smiling up at him

"We should go before they notice we're not with them," Said, Lilly

"Lead the way" Said Colten as he stepped back signaling her to go

They walk downstairs catching everyone's attention. Nate looked at them both in a confused and cold way as they walked down the stairs. Lilly left Colten giving him a sign and went over to Nate.

"Let's get a drink" Yelled Lilly as the music played in the background. Nate looked away from her and over at Colten who was staring dead at him. He held eye contact with him for a few seconds.

"Boo b*tch" Mouthed Colten as he smirked and walked away; Causing Nate to grow furious.

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