4 | Plan Something Fun.

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"I called everyone here to talk and catch up. It's been a while since we've all hung out" Said, Olivia

"Ever since college started, We haven't done anything fun as a group," said Chase

"Yeah it's been forever," Said Emma

"We haven't had much breaks either" Said Lilly

'We all have fall break next week" Said Liam

"Oh yeah, And it's Halloween!" Said, Olivia

"Since we'll all be off, We could plan something" Said Lilly

"Okay so, what are we going to do for Halloween then?" Said Emma looking over at Olivia and Lilly

"Yeah what are we gonna do?" Said, Liam

"It's our first Halloween together as college students, We should make it epic" Said Lilly   

"We could go somewhere for the weekend" Said Nate, Finally speaking

"Where?" Said Lilly

"OH! There's this cabin place right by the end of town, It's sketchy but cool" Said Chase

"A sketchy cabin...?" Said Emma sarcastically

"That sounds kinda fun" Said Olivia

"What are we even going to do?" Said, Emma

"We could throw a party" Said Lilly catching everyone's attention

"Since when do you like to party" Said Emma sarcastically

"She's right we can, And invite all the people at school," Said Liam excited

"Like those massive teenage parties you see in the movies!!" Said, Olivia

"Come on Em, It'll be fun " Said Olivia, Bribing her

"Since when do you don't like to party?" Said Lilly teasing her

"Alright, Fine," Said Emma giving in

They all laughed and began to start planning their trip to the cabin. They booked their stay at the cabin Chase mentioned earlier and began to make a list of people they wanted to invite to the party

"Alright, I think we should have the party on Halloween night" Said Chase

"What day is Halloween on?" Said, Nate

"Um, It's On a Monday," Said Chase

"And when's our fall break?" Said Emma

"It's the Friday before Halloween weekend and we go back on Tuesday, November 2nd," Said, Olivia

"Where gonna party on a Monday?" Said, Nate

"Yeah, Dude we're in collage, You can party any day," Said Liam

"So that means we can prepare throughout the weekend and just spend time together before the party" Said Lilly

"Aww, You wanna spend time with us," Said Liam mocking her

"Liam chill out," Said Nate in a stern tone

"What your girl wants to spend quality with not only us But with you," Said Chase jokingly

"I would hope you boys want the same too," Said Emma crossing her arms

"Of course, we would" Said Chase kissing Olivia

"Yeah Liam, Wouldn't you," Said Emma in a flirty tone as she kissed Liam

"Lilly glanced over at Nate who caught eye contact with her, They both awkwardly smiled at each other. Nate made the move and put his arm around her causing her to lean into him.

"Alright is that all we need to cover" Said Lilly

"Yeah, I think we're done planning" Said Olivia

"I can't wait for Halloween" Said Liam in a cheerful tone

"Halloween is going to be epic this year..."

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