13 | Aftermath.

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1 day before Halloween night...

"Morning Lillian," said the housekeeper as she slowly opened her bedroom door

"Morning" Said Lilly still half asleep

"Breakfast will start soon, I'll see you downstairs," said the housekeeper as she left her room

Lilly realized Colten didn't come into her room to wake her up this morning. She was hoping he would but instead it was the housekeeper. She got up from her bed and got dressed for breakfast. She headed downstairs to the dining room where everyone was already sitting.

"Morning everyone," Said, Lilly

"Morning," Said everyone replying to her

She saw an empty seat at the head of the table, Where Colten usually sits. He didn't show up for breakfast either she thought to herself.

"Have you guys seen Colten, by any chance" Said Lilly

"No not yet," said Chase as everyone nodded their head in response.

She thought to herself where could he be? She hoped he wasn't mad at her but she knew he probably was. She didn't tell him about Nate and he did everything for her just to lay that on him. She wishes she could text him, But she has no form of communication with him.

"Wtf did I do" Said Lilly in her head as she sighed in disappointment

Throughout breakfast, she was a little sad about Colten and what she did, She hoped she would see him this morning, But what did she expect after she told him that? She was so focused on Colten, She forgot that today Nate was coming down. She took out her phone and texted Nate.

"Can't wait to see you today, Let me know when you're nearby!"


"Nate..." Said Erica shaking him, Trying to wake him up


"NATE" Yelled Erica finally waking him up

"What, What happened," Said Nate rubbing his eyes

"You look exhausted" Said Erica

"I just woke up," Said Nate in his husky sleepy voice

"I know that, You just literally looked like you partied all night," said Erica

"What did you expect me to look like" Said Nate as he turned on his side

"Not like that" Said Erica as she handed him a cool bottle of Pedialyte

"Drink this, It should help flush out all the alcohol you drank last night," said Erica

"Thanks," said Nate as he sat up

"Yeah you don't look so good," said Erica

"Don't feel too good either" Said Nate as he looked over at his phone and saw a text message from Lilly.

"But I'll be fine," said Nate as slowly started to get up off the bed

"Where are you going?" Said, Erica

"I have to meet up with the guys today," Said Nate

"You're not feeling too well, So you should at least wait," said Erica

"I'm fine Erica, I just have to freshen up," Said Nate

"You can barely even get off the bed, Nate. I'm telling you wait till you feel a little better; I'm sure they'll understand" Said Erica holding his hand

"Lay back down and get some rest, I'll make you something to eat" Said Erica as she left the room

Nate looked at Lilly's text message; He promised her he would be there today, But it doesn't look like he'll make it. His phone buzzed; it was a text message from the guys.

"You still coming today?"

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