20 | Bodies On Sight.

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"Hey, guys!" Said Colten as he came up to Chase and Olivia

"Hey Man, What's up" Said Chase

"How do you like the party so far?" Said, Olivia

"It turned out pretty good actually," Said, Colten

"Are you looking for Lilly?" Said Olivia giving him a slight smirk

"Yeah I was gonna go find her actually," Said, Colten

"Last time I saw her she was with Nate," Said, Chase

"She's probably by the bar" Said Olivia

"Okay, I'll go find her. Also, Emma and Liam were looking for you guys earlier not sure where they went through" Said Colten

"Oh, Do you think you know where they went?" Asked Olivia

"I think I saw them go upstairs, But I'm not sure. You'll probably have to check their room or something" Said Colten

"Alright we'll head up there, Thanks man," Said Chase as Colten gave them both a smile in response and walked away.

"Let's go find them," Said, Olivia

"Is there something going on between Colten and Lilly?" Said Chase wrapping his arms around Olivia's waist

"Why do you ask" Said Olivia smiling up at him

"Cause, I saw your face when I told him she was with Nate. Plus they looked like they have a lot of tension" Said Chase

"Something is going on between them but she didn't want to tell us much," Said, Olivia

"What happened between her and Nate then," Said Chase concerned

" I'll explain it to you; Let's go somewhere quiet," Said Olivia holding his hand and walking through the crowd. They went outside onto the patio where no one could see or hear them.

"It feels really nice out here," said, Olivia

"Yeah it does" Said Chase as he hugged her from behind

"Okay, I just want to be clear..." Said Olivia as she broke the hug to face him

"What?" Asked Chase

"Everything I tell you, Do not tell Nate or anyone else okay," Said Olivia

"Alright I won't; So what happened?" Said Chase as he started getting concerned

"So remember the day we were leaving and Nate said he had an emergency so he couldn't come with us," said, Olivia

"Yeah..." Said, Chase

"Well turns out, He didn't have any type of emergency. He was at a Halloween party and Emma and I saw on someone's Instagram Story he was kissing another girl at the party" Said Olivia

"Oh damn," Said Chase in shock

"Yeah, She hasn't confronted Nate yet, But she's planning to," Said, Olivia

"So Nate basically cheated on her..." Said, Chase

"Yes... But don't say anything to anyone okay" Said, Olivia

" I won't okay, I promise" Said Chase as he hugged her

"I feel really bad for her" Said Olivia as she embraced Chase's body

"I do too, But she seems to be having fun with Colten," Said Chase as they heard a door close; Catching their attention

"What was that" Said Olivia

"I don't know" Said Chase as he walked in the direction of the sound

"Was someone out here?" Asked Olivia

"I have no clue," Said Chase as he faced her

"We should go" Said Olivia

" Yeah, Let's go find, Liam and Emma," Said, Chase

They went back inside and walked over to the stairway. They went upstairs and began to look for Emma and Liam. Olivia knocked on their door and opened it. They didn't see them on site.

"Should we wait for them?" Said Olivia

"Yeah I guess" Said Chase as he closed the door

"What do you want to do while we wait" Said Olivia as she sat on their bed

"I don't have anything in mind," Said Chase as he walked up to her and kissed her, causing her to lead back onto the bed.

"Do you think someone heard our conversation?" Said Olivia as she cupped his face

"They'll find out eventually," Said Chase as he lead in and kissed her. Olivia gives in and lets him take over. She ran her hands through his brown fluffy hair as he cupped her face.

"Did you hear that?" Said Chase breaking the kiss

"Hear what?" Said, Olivia

"Someone knocked on the door" Said Chase as he got up and walked towards the door and opened it.

"Is there anyone there?" Said, Olivia

"No," said Chase as he closed the door

"Where did you hear it come from" Said Olivia as she got up from the bed

"Somewhere over there," said Chase as he looked over at the bathroom door

They both looked at each other. Olivia was closest to the bathroom door. She gently put her hand on the doorknob and turned it. She looked over at Chase who was standing right beside her. She slowly opened the door and saw a trail of blood on the floor. She gasped and jumped back onto Chase.

"OH MY GOD" yelled Olivia

"Oh fuck!" Said, Chase

They both were standing right outside the door of the bathroom when they saw a trail of blood leading toward Emma and Liam's dead bodies.

"Took you long enough," Said a voice in the bathroom; startling Chase and Olivia

"Almost made me fall asleep," said the voice as he revealed himself

"Who the hell are you!" Said, Chase

"I'm the joker of course," said the killer sarcastically

"What did you do to them" Cried, Olivia

"Same thing I'm about to do to you two, " said the killer as he pointed the guns toward them...

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