12 | One's Luck.

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"You ready for the Halloween party tomorrow," Said Liam

"Yeah are you," Said, Emma

"Ready for a lot of things to happen tomorrow night," Said Liam with a smirk

Even though Emma and Liam were the only ones in the room their door still had a small opening where Colten can see and hear them. He cringed at their relationship, And how much of a flirt Liam was. He walked away from their room and over to Chase and Olivia's room. Their door was locked but he could still hear them. He had great listening skills, It was something he adapted as a little kid. He walked over to Lilly's room; prepared to ask her a question.

"Lilly" Said Colten as he knocks on her door. He doesn't get a response but he hears footsteps coming toward the door

"Hey" Said Lilly as she opens the door, Trying to fix her hair

"Are you doing anything right now" Said Colten as he leaned against the door frame

"No, Why," Said, Lilly

"Come on, I wanna show you something" Said Colten

"Where are we going" Said Lilly

"You'll see" Said Colten

"Should I get dressed first, I look a mess" Said Lilly

"You look beautiful Lilly, Now come on" Said Colten smiling, Causing her to chuckle

He leads the way out of the cabin and takes her out to his car, Opening the door for her and everything; causing her to blush uncontrollably. As he drives off he glances over at her and see's her lost in her thoughts staring out the window. He taps her on her shoulder; Bringing her attention over to him.

"I have a surprise for you," said Colten as he handed her a bandana

"What's this for?" Asked Lilly

"Cover your eyes," Said, Colten

She followed his instructions and covered her eyes. Colten glanced over at her and saw the blindfold over her eyes. He waved his hand in front of her to see if she reacted, But she didn't.

"Now what," Said Lilly chuckling

"Just wait, We're almost there" Said Colten as he makes a U-Turn into the woods. He eventually arrives at the back of the cabin. He gets out of the car and helps Lilly out, Since she still has the blindfold on, Colten gently places his hands on her waist, Sending butterflies all through her body. He guides her in the direction of the door.

"Okay, Open your eyes," Said Colten as takes off her blindfold

"Oh my god," Said Lilly in shock

"I thought you might like this" Said Colten as he closed the door behind them

"Um... I love it, But what is all this for" Said Lilly

"You seemed pretty stressed lately and I wanted you to not be so tense, Since you have your party coming up. Plus it would be a great chance for us to talk a little more" Said, Colten

"Thank you" Said Lilly giving him a slight smile

"I didn't expect all this from you," Said Lilly nervously

"I work in silence" Said Colten smirking

They both sat down and started talking, Lilly was acting unusual and Colten noticed it. She seemed fine in the car but when she got here, She seemed off.

"Everything alright?" Asked Colten

"Yeah I'm fine" Said Lilly

She glanced over at him, She saw him looking dead at her. She love the fact that he did all of this for her but she felt guilty going on a "date" with another guy while still in a relationship with Nate.

Colten didn't know what was wrong. He hoped that he didn't make her feel uncomfortable or weird. He thought this was a good idea and she would love it but it doesn't seem like it.

"What's wrong Lilly," Said Colten as he slid his hand into hers causing her to startle

"Lilly Calm dow- I can't do this" yelled Lilly cutting him off

"I can't do this Colten, I'm sorry" Said Lilly as she stood up

"It's okay I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable," Said Colten as he got closer to her almost hugging her

"I have a boyfriend, Colten!" Said Lilly squeezing her eyes shut as a single tear drop fell

"What..." Said Colten as he took a step back from her

"I'm dating someone... I'm sorry I should've told you from the start I just didn't know how to" Said, Lilly

"Yeah you should've told me sooner," Said Colten chuckling trying to play it off; Even though he was hurting inside

"I think you should go Lilly" Said Colten

"Colten I- I know your sorry Lilly, It's okay but it's been a tense night; And I think you should go" Said Colten cutting her off. They looked at each other both shocked and in disbelief at what just happened.

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