17 | Past Memories.

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4 hour's before the party...

"How're the decorations coming up" Said Nate

"So far so good," said Liam

"Yeah, Were almost done" Said Chase

"Yeah the place looks great," Said Nate

"Yeah it does, Once the girls finish up it'll look great!" Said, Liam

"Yeah it will" Said Chase

"Can I talk to you guys for a second" Said Nate; Catching both there attention

"Yeah sure, What's up" Said Chase putting down a roll of lights

"In private," Said Nate as he walked towards the stairs

Chase and Liam looked at each other confused; They followed Nate upstairs into Lilly's and now Nate's bedroom. He closed the door behind them and turned toward the guys; Who were both confused

"What do you want to talk about?" Asked Liam

"You guy knows that Mr.Ellis dude," Said, Nate

"The owner of this place?" Said, Liam

"Yeah the owner," Said, Nate

"Yeah, What about him," Asked Chase

"Has he been around Lilly, Like at all throughout the past few days?" Said Nate

"No, I don't think so" Said Chase, Confused

"Why would he?" Asked Liam

"I don't know, Earlier when I arrived he greeted me and I got a weird vibe from him; Like he was up to no good" Said Nate

"What?" Said Chase confused

"I don't know, It just felt like I met him somewhere before. He looked very familiar" Said, Nate

"Okay your acting weird" Said Liam

"No I'm serious; It's like I had a past with him, But I don't think it was a good one," said Nate glancing over at both of them

"What do you mean not a good one?" Said, Chase

"The person that I think is him, We were good friends from what I can remember, And I did something... Bad, Because I was drunk and he took the blame for everything. After months of him away we fell off and I never bothered to talk or see him again" Said Nate as he sat down on the bed

"What did he take the blame for" Asked Liam

"Well, From what I can rememb-" Said Nate before he heard a footstep coming from outside the door

"What?" Said, Chase

"I heard a footstep by the door," said Nate in a low voice

He got from the bed and walked over to the door, He slowly opened the door and saw no one in sight. He peaked his head out into the Hallway and still didn't see anyone in sight. He looked back at the guys and shrugged telling them there was no one on site

"There you guys are!" Said Emma walking over to the room

"Oh, Hey Em," Said, Nate

"We need you guy's help downstairs," Said Emma; Signaling them to follow her

"We're almost done! The place looks great" Said Emma as she walks down the stairs the boys follow behind her 

A shadow from the Hallway watches from upstairs in the corner; as they all head downstairs. Thankfully Emma came at the perfect time When Nate heard the noise and poked his head out into the hallway. The shadow figure was the one that made the noise from outside the door. The shadow figure saw when the guys came upstairs And were listening closely to Nate and everything he was telling the guys before he got cut off, But it was enough information for the shadow figure to know exactly who Nate was...

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