7 | A Whole Lot Better.

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"Alright were about 2 minutes away from your location," Said the Uber driver

Everyone had fallen asleep, Except Lilly. She was wide awake staring out the window lost in her thoughts until the Uber driver spoke. She brought her attention back to the car and realized everyone was asleep.

"Guys were almost there" Said Lilly as she shook everyone

"How far are we?" Said Olivia in a sleepy voice

"Like two minutes away," Said Lilly

"Where the hell are we," Said Emma looking out the window

"The middle of nowhere apparently," Said Chase

"I told you guys the cabin was a far away" Said Liam

"Meaning the middle of nowhere..." Said Emma sarcastically

"When you said leaving town, I didn't think you actually meant it," Said, Olivia

"Alright, We're here!" Said the Uber driver as he turned into the driveway of the cabin

Everyone began to make their way out of the car. They grabbed all their stuff out of the car and looked at the cabin that was their "Home" for the next few days

"Looks like a nice but sketchy..."

"Hello everyone, Welcome to cabin stay! I'll be here to assist you during your stay so if you need anything feels free to let me know

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"Hello everyone, Welcome to cabin stay! I'll be here to assist you during your stay so if you need anything feels free to let me know. Said the assistant

They all gave him a warm smile before their attention was brought to something else, They looked over to the corner where they saw a tall, masculine figure walking towards them...

They all gave him a warm smile before their attention was brought to something else, They looked over to the corner where they saw a tall, masculine figure walking towards them

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"Everyone, This is the owner Mr. Ellis Said the assistant

As he walked out he looked up at everyone and glanced them up and down. They look familiar, Very very familiar. He gave them a warm smile as he met eyes with a girl that caught his attention, A girl that doesn't look as familiar as the rest.

"You're the owner of this cabin?" Said Emma catching his attention

"Yes I am, My parents were the original owners but it later got handed over to me," said, Mr. Ellis

"You look familiar" Said Liam

"Do I?" Said Mr. Ellis, Sarcastically

"What high school did you go too?" Said, Liam

"I was homeschooled," Said Mr. Ellis, As he paused for a second

"Well we don't want to keep you waiting, Let me show you to your rooms," said the assistant

They grabbed their bags and began to follow the assistant inside the cabin.

"You're here by yourself?" Said, Mr. Ellis

"No, I'm with them," said, Lilly

"I know, but they all seem to have plus ones," Said Mr. Ellis

"Oh yeah, There were supposed to be six of us but there was a last-minute emergency," Said Lilly as she glanced up at him. She admired him for a second, He was very attractive and hard to avoid.

"I didn't catch your name by the way," said Mr. Ellis

"It's Liliane, But everyone calls me Lilly"

"I like that" Said Mr. Ellis

"And you are..?" Said Lilly, smiling

"You can call me, Colton..."

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