21 | Dead To Me.

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"Have you seen Colten?" Asked Lilly

"Who?" Said Nate confused

"Colten..." Said Lilly

"Who the hell is that" Said Nate

"Are you drunk" Said Lilly crossing her arms

"I only had a few drinks, But who the hell is Colten," Said, Nate

"The guy that owns the Cabin, You met him; He was dressed as the Joker" Said Lilly

Nate took a pause. He stared down at Lilly examining her face as he thinks to himself. The name Colten sounded familiar, And the guy Lilly is talking about also looks familiar. He pieces together the name and face and realizes who "Colten" actually was.

"Nate..." Said Lilly looking up at him confused. He brought his attention back to her and started to grow angry

"What's wrong" Said Lilly as she touched his hand but he moved away aggressively

"Nate wh- Don't touch me, Lilly," Said Nate aggressively

"What's the matter with you," Said Lilly as she started to grow angry

"Don't worry about it" Yelled Nate as he stormed off.

Lilly watched as Nate stormed off into the crowd. The music was loud so no one could hear them yelling. Colten watched from afar as he saw Nate storm off; Leaving Lilly alone in the crowd of people.

Nate burst through the patio doors leading outside; He was barely functioning but his thoughts were scattered. Memories were rushing back to Nate about who Colten was. He stood outside with his drink in his hand. He heard the door open behind him.

"Lilly I don't feel like talking right now," said Nate as he turned around

"I'm not Lilly..." Said the killer; as he punched Nate causing him to go unconscious. He looked around him to see if anyone saw him punch Nate. He dragged his body into the house where no one could see. He stormed through the crowds up to where the DJ was, He grabbed the mic causing the place to go silent

"ALRIGHT, PARTIES OVER EVERYONE LEAVE" Yelled the killer; He watched as everyone fled toward the door

"What the hell are you doing" Yelled Lilly catching his attention. He dropped the mic and quickly walked over to Lilly grabbing her by her arm

"You come with me," said the killer as he blindfolded


"Who the hell are you!" Yelled Nate

"You forgot me already, After everything we've been through and you forgot everything already?" Said the killer as he held Nate and Lilly hostage

He had them tied up to a chair with blindfolds over their eyes. He stood there watching them panic cluelessly Before he walked away.

"What the hell is that noise," Said, Nate

"The sound of a lifeless body dragging on the ground," said the killer coldly.

He dragged out four dead bodies. Emma, Olivia, Liam, and Chase. They didn't know what was going on around them, He walked up to Lilly and stroked her cheek. He felt her jump in her seat, He could tell she was scared. He didn't want to tie her up but he knew she wouldn't stay still. He grabbed both their blindfolds and pulled them off their heads at the same time revealing the four dead bodies laying right in front of them.

"OH MY GOD!' Screamed Lilly; The sound of her voice explained the terror she was feeling

"holy shit," said Nate in shock

"Your friends didn't make it as far as you guys did," said the killer stepping over the dead bodies

"What the hell is wrong with you" Yelled Lilly as she sobbed

"What do you want from us!" Yelled Nate

"I want something from you, I want the truth," said the killer as he got closer to him

"What are you talking about?" Said Nate snapping back at him

"You don't remember what you did to me. You fucking lied on my name, and pinned every little bad shit that you did on me, Had me suspended from school and even in fucking court." Yelled the killer

"What is he talking about," said Lilly

"Your little boyfriend and I used to be good friends until high school, He had a drinking problem and he was a messy drunk. He would come to school drunk and pick fights with people. I stopped talking to him after he adopted that behavior" Said the killer

"You're a damn liar," Yelled Nate; clenching his jaw with anger

"You fucking killed someone," Said the killer, Leaving them both in shock and speechless

"I watched you dispose of the body; Until the police found it and you pinned it on me"

"You killed someone," Said Lilly looking over at Nate in shock. He had no response; He was guilty of it

"Your boyfriend was once my best friend, Until he became an alcoholic and killed that person and pinned it on me, and the best part is that you came to the fucking court trails and sat there and watch me suffer your consequences." yelled the killer

"Why wou- And you wanna know the funny thing," said the killer cutting off Lilly

"He made me like this, He brought out this dark side of me" Yelled the killer pointing in Nate's face

"I had so much built-up anger over the years, and what made me even angrier was my parent's that you knew of; YOU KNOW HOW FUCKED UP MY HOME WAS" Yelled the killer

"My parents didn't die in a crash, I fucking killed them..."

Nate and Lilly all stared at each other in shock. They couldn't believe what they just heard.

"What does this have to with us," said Nate; Boldly

The killer stopped pacing around the room after he heard what Nate just said. He stood still not moving a muscle. The two looked at each other in concern.

"You lied and cheated on your girlfriend too," said the killer coldly

"No, I didn't stop goddamn lying" yelled Nate

"She already knows you cheated dumb ass" Yelled the killer

As the two were arguing; Lilly sat there zoned out in her thoughts. She forgot that Nate cheated on her. She thinks to herself how does the killer know that? Only three people know.

"Wait... How did you know he cheated" Said Lilly catching both of their attention

"Because I was standing right there when you found out," said the killer pulling off his mask and revealing himself

"Oh my god," said Lilly in shock

"I fucking knew it was you," Yelled Nate

"I'm sorry," Said the killer as he pulled out a gun pointing it at Nate's head.

"But after everything he's put me through, He fucking deserves this..." Said the killer pulling the trigger


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