1| Charming And Sweet.

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Liliane Bates...

A high school graduate that is now a freshman in college

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A high school graduate that is now a freshman in college. She dorms at her college that she and her 5 other friends go too, Well her two girlfriends and their boyfriends. She's your typical sweet average girl; But when it comes to love and lust, It can get ugly.

"Hey Lilly," Said a low voice as they walked into her dorm room

"Hey Nate," Said Lilly as she walked up to him for a kiss that he granted her

Nate Whitelock...

Your typical high school jock, Except now he's in college

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Your typical high school jock, Except now he's in college...

"You ready to go" Asked Nate

"Yeah babe I'll meet you in the car" Said Lilly as she finished getting ready

"Alright," said Nate as he walked out and went to his car

Lilly finished up getting ready as she did her last touches of makeup. She grab her purse and shoes and hustled out the door.

"Alright I'm ready" Said Lilly getting into Nate's car

"Where are we meeting them again?" Said Nate as he watched her buckle her seat belt

"Mocha Mood," Said, Lilly

"Huh?" Said Nate confused

"The cafe we always go to, Nate," Said Lilly annoyed

"Ohh, That's what it's called," Said Nate surprised

"Yeah it is" Said Lilly slightly chuckling

Nate began to drive off; heading in the direction of the cafe. He was focused on the road but he felt as if someone was looking at him, He glanced over at Lilly who he barley caught staring at him before she looked down at her phone.

"Is there- You seem off today" Said Lilly cutting off Nate

"What are you talking about" Said Nate

"I don't know you just seem annoyed lately," Said, Lilly

"I'm not, If I was I wouldn't be here right now," Said Nate in a husk voice

The rest of the car ride was silent. Nate was focusing on the road while Lilly looked out the window. Their relationship has been rocky for a little while. When they first met they were head over heels for each other, But she started to notice towards graduation; Nate started to seem less interested.

Lilly looked over at Nate's hand that was resting on the transmission. She lightly placed her hand on top of his causing him to look away from the road. She smiled at him as he quickly looked back at the road.

"Where here," Said Nate as he pulled his hand away and turned into the parking lot of the cafe; Leaving Lilly to wonder.

"Yeah... We are"

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