16 | Here Comes The "Ex."

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8 hours before the party...

"What do you think about this" Said Olivia as she pulled out a cute Halloween centerpiece

"That would look nice over by the island in the kitchen," Said, Emma

The group was all hard at work preparing for the party tonight. Lilly and the girl were working on decorating; while Chase and Liam were setting up the bar. They were all having fun decorating and were excited for tonight. Lilly felt her phone buzz; She thought it was Colten but it was Nate.

"Hey, be there in 5"

"Fuck" said Lilly out loud catching the girl's attention

"What's wrong," said Olivia

"Nate's gonna be here soon, He just texted me," Said, Lilly

"Don't worry about him, Just play it cool" Said Emma

"Does the guys know" Asked Lilly

"No, we didn't say anything" Said Olivia

"Just act like you don't know, Feel him out and see how he acts when your ready to confront him then do it," said Emma

"I guess so," Said, Lilly

"Speaking of, What were you and Colten doing last night," said Olivia smirking; Causing Lilly to blush

"Nothing important" Said Lilly blushing

"Mhm," Said Emma; Causing them all to laugh


"Mr. Ellis, there's a guest that just arrived," Said one of the staff members

"Who?" Asked Colten

"Not sure, But the car just arrived," said the staff member

Colten stopped what he was doing and walked out to the front of the cabin. He saw a car parked at the front; He saw a male coming out of the car; A male that looked very familiar.

"Good evening, Welcome to your cabin stay I'm Mr. Ellis," Said Colten

"Hi, I'm Nate, I'm here with a group I just came a little later," Said, Nate

"They've informed me about you," said Colten as he looked him up and down

"Yeah... Are they inside?" Said Nate awkwardly

"Yeah, There all inside setting up for the party tonight," Said Colten

"I guess I should go help then," Said Nate as he walked passed Colten

As Nate walked towards the door he looked back at Colten who was staring dead at him. He nodded and gave him a slight smile before going inside. He took a deep breath of relief once he shut the door, It was awkward yet pretty intimidating. He heard the voices of everyone coming from the main room; He walked over and saw everyone hard at work; Busy decorating for tonight

"Hey guys," Said Nate; Catching everyone's attention

"HEYY! Look who made it" Said the guys

"Is everything alright back home?" Asked Chase

"Yeah, So far so good; I was lucky enough to make it before tonight," Said, Nate

The girls all looked at each other. They knew he was lying but they couldn't say anything. Lilly wanted to confront him but she didn't want to ruin their night.

"Hey guys," Said Nate walking up to the girls

"Hey Nate," Said Olivia and Emma gaving him a smile

"Hey babe," Said Nate as he hugged Lilly

"Hey Nate," Said Lilly hugging him back

Lilly embraced his scent. Even though she was mad at him, She couldn't control the way his touch affected her. She looked over his shoulder and saw Colten standing in the dark Hallway watching them hug. Lilly breaks the hug and looks up at Nate smiling nervously. She looks back over in the hallway and see's no sight of Colten anymore.

"You ready for tonight, Babe," Said Nate stroking Lilly's cheek

"Yeah... Yeah I am"

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