5 | Leaving Soon.

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3 days before Halloween Night...

"What time are we leaving again?" Said Lilly as she folds away her clothes into a travel bag

"We're checking in at 6:00 pm this afternoon," Said, Olivia

"Do the boys know where to meet us?" Said Emma as she puts her makeup on

"I texted Nate this morning telling him to remind the guys" Said Lilly

"Well did he?" Said Emma sarcastically

"He texted back; Okay, So I'm guessing he did" Said Lilly as she slumped onto her bed

"Speaking of Nate, Are you two doing okay?" Said Olivia as she sat next to her

"Yeah we are, Why do you ask" Said Lilly as she sat up

"Because at the cafe last week you guys seemed off" Said Olivia

"We just had a little disagreement in the car, But it wasn't anything major" Said Lilly trying to play it off

Silence filled the room, As Lilly stared down at the floor reflecting on their relationship. She's been with Nate for 2 1/2 years now; She didn't want the girls to know that she thinks Nate is falling out of love with her. She could feel the awkward tension between her and Olivia. All you could hear was the sound of Emma fumbling with her makeup. They sat there for a while until Emma's phone broke the silence.

"I guess Nate didn't tell the guy's what time we're meeting up tonight," Said Emma; Annoyed

"What do you mean?" Said Lilly

"Liam just texted me asking where and what time are we meeting up this afternoon," Said Emma as she texted him back

Lilly didn't know what to say. She couldn't defend their relationship anymore, It was hard; now that they'd been asking questions.

"I wonder what the guys are doing right now" Said Lilly trying to change the topic

"I know right, What are they doing...?"


"Guys we gotta leave at 4:30," Said Liam reading the text message Emma sent him

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you guys that" Said Nate, Still keeping his focus on the TV screen

"Did you guys pack already?" Said, Liam

"A little," Said Chase as he grips onto his controller

"We gotta- OH OH MOVE OUT THE WAY, HURRY!" Yelled Chase cutting off Liam

Liam began to grow annoyed. He walked over to the TV and plugged it out catching the guy's attention

"What the hell man," Said Nate

"I hate to be the bitch here, But we have to leave in an hour," Said Liam as he grabbed the controller for their hands

"We don't have to be at the hotel until 6pm," Said Nate leaning back in his chair

"The place is an hour away, So we have to leave early; Plus it'll be a rush hour too," Said, Liam

"Since when are you on time," Said Nate scoffing

"Get your ass up Nate" Said Liam throwing a T-Shirt at his head

"Alright mom," Said Nate mocking him; As he felt his phone buzz

He checked his phone and saw a text message from Lilly that was sent 20 minutes ago and a recent text message from an unsaved number.

"Have the house to myself this weekend, I was thinking you should come over and we could spend some time together ;)"

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