8 | One Night's Play.

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"I'll be there soon," Said Nate as he hung up the phone, He continued to drive until he got to the house. This was his first time coming and he didn't realize how big her house was...

 This was his first time coming and he didn't realize how big her house was

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He got out of the car and knocked on the front door. He waited a few seconds before the door opened.

"Hey Erica," Said Nate in a flirty tone

"Glad you could make it," said Erica as she leaned forward and kissed him passionately

"Glad I'm here," said Nate as he walked inside

"So I was thinking since you're here, We should throw a Halloween party this weekend," Said, Erica

"You wanna throw a party?" Asked Nate

"Yeah, It'll be fun! We have the whole house to ourselves so why not" Said, Erica

"When do you want to have the party?" Said, Nate

"I was thinking the night of Halloween" Said Erica catching Nate's attention

"Why don't you do it the night before?" Said, Nate

"Why?" Said, Erica

Nate knew that the group was having their party the night of Halloween, They'd been planning it for a while now. He promised them that he'll be back just in time for the party.

"Cause it'll be more fun to do it the night before Halloween, You can come up with a theme and everything," Said, Nate

"I still don't understand why we shouldn't have it on Halloween night" Said Erica annoyed

"Well if that's the case I won't be at your party then," Said Nate boldly

"What you mean?" Said, Erica

"I have plans on Halloween with my friends and I can't cancel" Said Nate as he picked up his phone

"What type of plans" Said Erica

Nate glanced over at Erica; who was staring dead at him. He forgot how determined and annoying she can be. He hasn't spent time with her in a while; He's gotten so used to Lilly and how chill and understanding she is.

"Erica, I've made plans with them way before so I can't bail on them," said Nate annoyed

"Your ridiculous Nate," Said Erica as she stormed off

Nate sighed in put his hands over his head. He didn't expect their night to start like this. He's known Erica for 5 months now. She was way more easygoing at the beginning of their relationship, But then she started getting needier and needier.

He had to get his mind off of what just happened between him and Erica, He went outside and into his car. He texted the guys to see if they got to the cabin yet, But they didn't respond. He thought of texting Lilly but he felt the need to call her and hear her voice, It's what comforts him when he's tense. He called Lilly but it rang out. He didn't bother calling again cause he started to feel some sort of guilt Since he was over at another girl's house. He sat in silence for a little while until his phone buzzed.

"Hey, Can you come back inside please"

It was a message from Erica, As much as he wanted to leave he didn't cause she knew he was still parked outside. He gathered his thoughts and took a deep breath before going back inside. He went to knock on the door, But she already opened it. They meet eyes with each other as they stand on each side of the doorway.

"Listen, I'm sorry for being noisy and sounding like a bitch. I know you have other things to do, And I don't want to hold you back from that, So I'm really sorry Nate" Said Erica in a soft tone

"It's fine," said Nate chuckling

"No, it's not," said Erica smiling

"It's okay, I understand you want to spend time together," said Nate

"I do, Which is why I'll have the party the night before Halloween, So that way we can spend it together," said Erica smiling

"See now was that so hard," said Nate laughing

"Shut up" Said Erica as she leaned in for a kiss that Nate dodged

"I said I was sorry," Said, Erica

"I know, I just think we should take this upstairs instead of the front porch," Said Nate smerking, as he kissed her aggressively

"Well then... Take the lead"

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