23 | The Halloween Massacre.

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One year later...

"It has been one whole year since the Halloween Massacre, The murder of five victims as well as the house catching on fire, all happened in one night; The night of a Halloween party. Reports say the house was haunted and others say it was a killer. Only one person survived the killer but has yet to be identified. The killer has not been found but is still on a hunt for..." Said the news reporter on the TV

Lilly sat down on the couch in her costume waiting for trick-or-treaters to come by her door. She heard the news report come on her TV and she paid close attention to it. She remembered everything that happened that night Like it was just yesterday.

"It's crazy how they didn't identify the survivor yet," said a husky voice from behind

"I know, It's crazy how the survivor is sitting right here watching them," Said Lilly staring at the TV

"You want to know what's even crazier," said the voice walking closer into the light

"What?" Said Lilly

"They never found the killer yet," Said Colten as he revealed himself

"Yeah they couldn't even find the two most important people" Said Lilly sarcastically

"Cause we're too smart for the police system here; If they were really concerned about this town they would've already come to our door already," Said Colten as he sat down next to her

"Do you think they're gonna rebuild the cabin" Asked Lilly

"I don't know" Said Colten looking over at her as the doorbell rang

"I'll get it," Said Lilly as she got up and grabbed the big bowl of candy. She opened the door and saw a whole family outside

"Trick or treat!" They all said joyfully

"We have some great costumes here tonight" Said Lilly as she distributed the candy to each of them

"You look familiar," Said one of the guys

"You must've seen me around" Said Lilly

"Yeah, It's hard to miss someone as pretty as you," said the guy

"Maybe you've seen us somewhere before, And you just happen to notice" Said Colten as he hovered behind Lilly holding her waist; Giving him a message.

"Maybe I have," said the guy nervously

"Happy Halloween," Said Lilly as she smiled at the guy

"Thank's you too," said the guy as he made intense eye contact with Colten; Before Lilly closed the door.

"You really had to intimidate him like that" Said Lilly walking past him

"Yeah, I had to make sure he knew what was mine" Said Colten smirking

"I see" Said Lilly chuckling as she grabbed her coat

"Where are you going" Asked Colten

"Gonna go for a drive" Said Lilly

"I'll come" Said Colten as he grabbed his keys and walked to the door; Lilly followed behind him. They got into the car and drove off. They admire the night as they saw kids running around to each door. It was the perfect Halloween night.

"Can you drive into the graveyard" Said Lilly pointing over to the cemetery

"For what," Said Colten looking at her confused

"To visit my friends" Said Lilly; Making him feel guilty

"I don't think they want to see me," said Colten

"Your probably right, Just drop me off right here," Said Lilly as Colten followed her instructions

She got out of the car leaving Colten to wait and walked into the cemetery. She went to where all five of her friends were. She looked down at the stones seeing their names carved into them.

"Hey guys," Said Lilly as she sat down in front of the stones

"A lot has happened within the past year; They never found the survivor of that night, and they didn't even find the killer either" Said Lilly

"But I bought you guys something" Said Lilly as she took out a framed photograph of all of them; One year ago on Halloween. She set the picture down and took a deep breath as her eyes started to get glossy.

"I miss you guys so much," Said Lilly starting to sob

"I'm sorry this happened to you; I wish I could go back to that night and redo things," Said Lilly as she gathered her breath. She sat in silence for a little while as she looked at all their names on the stone

"I love you guys okay" Said Lilly as she got up and looked down at their stones

"Happy Halloween guys," Said Lilly as she walked off.

She walked back to where Colten was parked; She didn't see his car in the same spot as she left him. She was confused; she looked at both sides of the street and saw a bunch of cars parked up the street. Lilly walked up the street towards the cars and saw Colten standing in front of their car staring at a house.

"Colten!" Yelled Lilly catching his attention

"What are you doing" Said Lilly as she ran toward him

"Just admiring the teenage parties" Said Colten Smirking

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking" Said Lilly Smirking at him

"I think we are" Said Colten pulling out a knife from his pocket

You could hear the loud music from the outside. Lilly took the knife from his hand as they both smirked at each other. Lilly and Colten both hold weapons in their hand looking over at the house in front of them. They were already in costume; They pulled down their Harlequin and Joker masks over their face.

"You ready" Said Colten holding up his knife

"Of course" Said Lilly smirking as they walked closer to the house and stood in front of the door.

"Ahh, You do it good Lilly; You do" Said Colten chuckling and making her smile. They lifted their masks; Colten looked over at Lilly and kissed her passionately. They lowered their mask and walked into the house holding their weapons.

"But I do it better..."

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