9 | Morning Admirer.

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2 days before Halloween night...

"Who is it!?" Yelled Lilly in a sleepy voice; As she heard a knock on her door

"It's me," said a voice as the door slowly opened

Lilly knew that voice sounded familiar; She heard the door open slowly. She was half asleep, rubbing her eyes as she saw a tall masculine figure coming toward her.

"Morning" Said Colten as he walked toward her

"Hey" Said Lilly nervously; as she tried to fix up herself

"You look fine" Said Colten smiling and sitting beside her

"What are doing here" Said Lilly

"Just came to check on our guest" Said Colten

"Is everyone else awake already?" Asked Lilly

"I don't know actually," Said, Colten

"You didn't check in with them" Said Lilly laughing

"When I said check in with our guest, I meant just you," Said Colton laughing

They both laughed with each other, They both felt sparks between them, They just didn't want to admit it. As much as she wanted to kiss him she couldn't, Because of Nate, plus she had just met him yesterday.

"Good morning!" Said the housekeeper as she interrupted them

"Morning" Said Lilly as she slightly hid under her bed sheets

"Sorry to interrupt but breakfast is about to start and the others are already awake downstairs," said the housekeeper

"Okay, Thank you," Said, Lilly

"Thanks," said Colton giving the housekeeper a slight smile as she left

"Well I should probably head downstairs then" Said Lilly as she got up

"Yeah we should" Said Colton

"I'll meet you down there" Said Lilly as she walked into the bathroom

"Need help getting dressed" Said Colton as he leaned on the door frame

"I think I'm good" Said Lilly blushing

"Giving up a free offer," Said Colton smerking

"Looks like it," Said Lilly as she closed the bathroom door

She looked at herself in the mirror, She had a huge smile on her face. Colton is very charming and hard for her to resist, But she hasn't told him about Nate yet. As she was getting ready all she could think about was Colton, She admired the fact he came to her room and checked in with her. She finished up getting ready, As she opened the bathroom door she saw Colten making up her bed.

"What are doing" Said Lilly chuckling

"Didn't want to take my offer on helping you get dressed so I made your bed instead, Plus I wanted to escort you down to breakfast" Said Colton

"I think I could get used to things around here" Said Lilly

"Mhm, Cause this service isn't offered to everyone," said Colton holding out his arm

"Alright come on" Said Lilly laughing walking out the room, As Colton followed behind her

"Morning everyone," Said Lilly walking down the stairs followed by Colton; catching everyone's attention

"Morning Lilly," Said Olivia with a smirk

Lilly looked around at everyone who was surprisingly looking at her. She didn't think anything of it. She took a seat as Colton sat at the head of the table right next to her. They all had breakfast together. They talked among themselves.

"Hey Colton," Said Olivia catching his attention

"Yeah," Said Colton turning his attention over to her

"I remembered we mentioned to you over the phone about the Halloween party we wanted to have on Monday night, Did you get everything covered" Said Olivia

"Yeah I talked to all the staff, Everything should be covered and ready before the party," Said, Colton

"Okay great," Said Olivia

"So are you thinking about attending our party," Said, Emma

"I don't know, Didn't really think about coming" Said Colton

"You should, And bring a date," Said Emma as she looked over at Lilly

Colton chuckled as he looked down at his plate. Lilly and Emma made eye contact.

"Your welcome" Mouthed Emma as she smiled at Lilly

"You have a date?" Asked Colton

"I'm not sure" Said Lilly slightly smiling at him

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