3 | Put Up A Front.

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"Do you know where everyone is?" Said Chase annoyed

"I don't know they should be here by now," said Olivia checking her phone

"They're all late" Said Chase

"Just give them time, I'm sure there on their way," said Olivia slightly raising her voice

Chase looks over at Olivia who seems to start getting annoyed as well. They've been sitting and waiting for everyone at the cafe for 20 minutes now. They both were tense and Chase hated getting on Olivia's nerves.

"Do you want to take a few pictures while we wait" Said Chase trying to loosen up the tension

"Why," said Olivia

"Just for fun," Said Chase smiling as he picks up his phone

"Can we take the cute cafe couple photos?" Said, Olivia

"Yeah sure," Said Chase chuckling

As they wait for the others to arrive; They began taking those "Cute cafe couple" photos. They even asked a stranger to take one for them. It released the tension that was between them earlier and they both seemed to be enjoying it.

"I like this one," said Olivia showing Chase the photo

"Yeah I do too," Said Chase smiling; As he makes eye contact with Olivia

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"Yeah I do too," Said Chase smiling; As he makes eye contact with Olivia. Olivia glanced over by the window to see a car quickly pulling into the parking lot of the cafe. They both focus their attention outside the window to see Lilly and Nate coming out of the car. Olivia notices the look on Lilly's face, Something's bothering her.

"They finally came" Said Chase, Bringing his focus back into the cafe

"Yeah, But something seems off," Said Olivia still looking out the window

"What?" Asked Chase

"Hi, guys!" Said Olivia, Ignoring Chase's question

"Hey Olivia," Said Lilly as she reaches for a hug

"Hey Man," Said Nate as he reaches out his hand to Chase

"Okay were just waiting for Emma and Liam," Said Olivia sitting down

"So how's it been with you guys," said Olivia

"Um, We've been good" Said Lilly glancing over at Nate

Olivia noticed how Lilly glanced at Nate, She knew something had happened between them.

"What about you guys?" Said Lilly breaking the silence

"We've been good too," Said Olivia as Chase nodded his head

"Where here, Sorry we're late" Said Emma barging into the cafe, Followed by Liam

"Hey, Emma!" Said Lilly and Olivia as they got up to hug her

"Yoo, What's good boys!" Said Liam reaching his hand out to the boys.

Lilly and Nate were the first to sit down at the table while the others were still standing and talking. They both made eye contact with each other.

"What's up with you," Said Nate under his breath

"What are you talking about" Said Lilly whispering so the others won't hear

"You're making it seem like something's wrong" Said Nate

"Yeah well maybe there is" Said Lilly annoyed; As she looked over at Nate making eye contact with him again

"You guys okay..." Said, Emma

Lilly and Nate broke eye contact and looked away from each other; and over at everyone else who was looking at them as they sat down at the table.

"Yeah were fine" Said Lilly

"Just admiring her," Said Nate scoffing under his breath

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