19 | Break Loose.

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"Are you guys having fun" Yelled Olivia

"Yeah, Definitely," Said Emma

"Let's go get a drink" Said Lilly as the girls follow her to the bar

"Three Long Islands please" Said Lilly

"Where's your date," Said Emma teasing Lilly

"My date?" Said Lilly confused

"Forgot already... Your other half" Said Olivia chuckling

"Colten?" Said Lilly

"Yeah your joker, Where is he?" Asked Emma

"I don't know, I saw him earlier but I don't know where he went" Said Lilly

"Have you seen Nate?" Asked Olivia

"No why," Said, Lilly

Emma ad Olivia both looked at each other, Leaving Lilly confused

"Here you go, Three Long Islands," said the bartender

"Thanks," Said Lilly as she gave the girls their drinks

"Okay, But what about Nate and Colten" Said Lilly

"They might be handling things," Said Emma sipping her drink

"What do you mean" Asked Lilly

"You and Nate were supposed to be matching and he found out last minute that you changed but when Colten walked in; You could see the look on Nate's face," said Olivia

"What wa- Hello Ladies," Said a guy cutting off Lilly 

"You guys look nice," said the guy

"Thank you," Said, Olivia

"You're my harlequin?" Said the guy; Catching Lilly's attention

"Oh I didn't even realize you were the Joker" Said Lilly

"You alone tonight, Ms. Quinn," said the guy teasing

"No... I'm not actually" Said, Lilly

"Oh, Well if you do get some time, Come find me," said the guy as he walked away from them. They all looked at each other and started to laugh

"He seemed interesting" Said Olivia

"I didn't even realize she was dressed as the joker, His mask looked a little weird" Said Lilly

"Colten did a better job with the face paint," Said Emma

"Yeah, It looks a lot better with the paint rather than the mask. Plus Colten can pull off anything" Said Lilly smirking

"Hey guy's, Can I borrow Emma for a second," Said Liam; As the girls nodded in response

"What's up" Said Emma

"Why don't we go someplace else for a little" Said Liam smirking at Emma

"Lead the way" Said Emma smiling

Liam reached for her hand at took it into his. She held onto his hand as they walked through the crowds of people to get to the staircase. They went upstairs into their room. Liam locked the door from behind. Emma turned around to face Liam, But she saw it wasn't just the two of them in the room.

"LAIM" Yelled Emma as the figure slammed Liam's head with an iron bar; Causing him to fall to the ground and bleed out.

Emma screamed as she watched Liam dead on the floor. She looked up at the figure and saw the same guy that flirting with Lilly at the bar.

"Sorry your boyfriend had to go out like that" Said the killer sarcastically

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" Yelled Emma as tears flow down her cheek

"Nothing... Nothing at all" Said the killer

"I'm gonna fucking kill you" Yelled Emma as she grabbed a vase and threw it at him

"Oh you're feisty," Said the killer sarcastically; As he pulled out a knife. Emma grabbed anything in sight to throw at him. She didn't realize he was holding out a knife until he grabbed her and pinned her down with it.

"I'll do you a favor okay... Instead of waiting to reunite with your little boyfriend. I'll help you out now and you'll be able to see him okay? One-time offer!" Said the killer sarcastically as he ran the knife down her cheek 

"Let me go" Yelled Emma; Biting his arm

"You fucking bitch!" Yelled the killer as he grabbed her by her hair and slit her throat.

The killer watched both their bodies on the floor. He wiped off his knife with Emma's shirt and put it back in his pocket. He dragged their bodies into the bathroom and locked the door, Leaving them both in there.

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