22 | Bloody Truth.

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"Nate..." Said Lilly as her voice broke

She watched all five of her friends laying dead on the floor. She didn't know what to feel. Colten looked over at her and saw her start to sob. He felt bad for making her feel this way; He truly did but he knew they deserved it.

"Hey Lilly," Said Colten in a soft voice

"DON'T TOUCH ME" Yelled Lilly; Causing him to startle

"WHY the hell would you do this to me, Why!" Yelled Lilly sobbing and breaking down

"I didn't want to Lilly, I hate seeing you like this. Believe me, I do" Said Colten as he untied her

"I still don't understand why you did this to my friends" Said Lilly

"Because Nate put me through hell Lilly. Like I said; I was best friends with him at one point he knew almost everything I was going through. Then after he murdered that person he pinned it on me and I was in jail for him." Said Colten holding her hands into his

"My home was fucked up and I used to sneak out and go to Nate's house to get away from my parents. Nate knew everything Lilly, And he betrayed me and left me. I held a lot of hate towards him while I was in jail, And it sparked darkness in me; So dark I killed my parents." Said Colten; Scaring Lilly

"I would never do anything to you, Lilly, I would never try to hurt you or scare you; If anyone does anything to you I will kill them Because I love you, Lilly," Said Colten as he stared deeply into her eyes

Lilly was in shock at what Colten explained to her. They both shared eye contact. Lilly passionately kissed him catching him off guard. She moved her hands to the flow of his body, She quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out the knife, and slapped him across the face with it. She quickly dropped it and ran.

"What the fuck!" Yelled Colten as he held his face; Watching her runoff

"Lilly don't do this!" Yelled Colten as he ran after her

Lilly ran as fast as she could; To try and escape him. She threw down a table that had a candlelit, To try and slow down Colten. He was fast but she managed to reach the door. She opened the door and ran out into the front yard. She was out of breath but still fighting for her life.

"LILLY I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS!" Yelled Colten; As started running again

"YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH" Yelled Lilly as she continued running 

Colten hesitated as he pulled out a gun from his back pocket. He stopped running and pointed it at her; Pulling the trigger. The loud gunshot filled the air as Lilly cried in pain on the ground.

"Lilly!" Yelled Colten as he ran up to her; Comforting her

"What the hell is wrong with you," Said Lilly out of breath and in pain

"I'm sorry Lilly, I didn't want to do this." Said Colten as he quickly took off his shirt.

"What are you doing" Said Lilly, Looking at him in concern

"Tying it around your leg" Said Colten as he quickly did it.

"Lilly I didn't want our relationship to be like this, I didn't want to do these things to you," said Colten as he held her to his chest

She heard his heart racing, She could feel it. She gave in and hugged him tightly. Colten felt relief to feel her touch again. He looked down at her causing her to look up at him. They shared eye contact. Before he could tell her what was on his mind. The cabin burst into flames behind them, Causing burning pieces to fly everywhere.

"Oh shit!" said Colten as he stood up

"What are you doing!" Yelled Lilly; As Colten stood there slowly growing a smile on his face as he admired the fire; it was almost like he was drawn to it. 

"I think I deserve to burn with them," said Colten as he started to back away from her; towards the fire

"What!" Yelled Lilly

"After everything I've done... I'm sorry Lilly, But I deserve this" Yelled Colten getting closer to the fire, He could feel the heat and he wasn't stopping

"COLTEN NO!" Yelled Lilly in pain. The fire had already taken over the entire cabin. It started to break apart. The whole front of the cabin began to break off, And Colten was right there.

"Oh fuck!" Said Lilly as she quickly got up. She struggled in pain as she try to run as fast as she could to Colten. He wasn't facing her anymore so he couldn't see her running toward him. The very top of the cabin broke off and fell downwards in his direction.


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