10 | Past Trauma.

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"I have some work to do at home, You guys got it from here," said Colton to the staff members

He grabbed his stuff and walked out the front door of the cabin. He got into his car and drove off. Before he could reach the end of the street he made a turn into the grass and through the woods. He drove all the way through leading him to the back of the cabin. He parked in the same hidden spot he always does. He got out of the car and walked towards the back cabin door, He opened it and reviled his home. He lived in the basement of the Cabin, No one ever knew what was downstairs, Everyone thought it was just a messy storage room but it was his home that he remodeled.

 He lived in the basement of the Cabin, No one ever knew what was downstairs, Everyone thought it was just a messy storage room but it was his home that he remodeled

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He told everyone that he lived by himself in an apartment complex not too far from the cabin. The cabin was once his official home. He and his parents used to live together until a tragic incident happened to his parents 2 years ago. He was finishing up high school and about to graduate, Then the incident happened and he was all by himself. The house was left in his hands And turned into an Airbnb cabin. His parents weren't the best. He grew up in an abusive household, And being the only child it was hard to deal with parents that would constantly fight. They weren't always supportive of his decisions either. He struggled as a child getting bullied throughout grade school, When he got to high school everyone thought he was going to be unsuccessful, He found certain things fascinating and developed an interest in abnormal things that his peers would pick on him about. He once had a close friend but things went left, And his whole life changed after that.

Being in his "home" all the time gets him in his thoughts a lot. His mind runs on Lilly. He wonders what she's doing right now. He wished he had her number so he could text her, But he doesn't. He ends up going back into his car and driving to the front of the cabin as if he just came back from his "Apartment". He goes inside and walks straight to her room. He sees her bedroom door open. He walks inside and looks around, She's not in sight.

"Lilly?" Said Colten as he stands in her room wondering where she is

"Mr. Ellis, I thought you left already," Said one of the staff members

"I forgot something, Have you seen Lilliane by any chance?" Said Colten

"Yeah I think I saw her in the Tavern upstairs," said the staff member

"Okay thank you," said Colten as he rushed out of the room

He quietly walked upstairs to the tavern where he saw Lilly sitting in the dark by the fireplace. She was glowing under the light of the fire. She was scrolling through her phone, She looked unhappy like something was bothering her.

"Lilly" Said Colten in a quiet voice

She didn't respond, She didn't even look up from her phone. He realized that she had both headphones in. It seemed like she wanted to be left alone so he left. As much as he wanted to talk to her, He left her alone.

"Hey man have you seen Lilly," Asked Chase

"No I haven't actually, she might've gone out" Said Colten

"Oh okay, Thanks," Said Chase

"Yeah let me know if you find her" Said Colten as he walked away

Even though Colten knew exactly where she was, He didn't want her to get interrupted by her thoughts. He could tell she wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. All he wanted to know was who was making her feel like that...

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