6 | Holding Back.

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"The Uber should be here at any moment," Said Olivia as she looked up from her phone and over at everyone else

"How far is the drive again?" Said, Emma

"Like one hour away," Said Liam

"Oh god, I have to be in a car with you all for one hour straight," Said Emma sarcastically

"You okay," Said Lilly softly; catching Nate's attention

"Yeah I'm fine, Just ready for our Uber to come" Said Nate as his phone buzzed

Lilly glanced away from Nate as he takes out his phone. He opens his phone and see's a text message from the same unsaved number.

"Hey guys- That's our Uber" Said Liam cutting off Nate

"What happened?" Said Lilly, To Nate

"Let me get everyone's bags into the car" Said Chase

"I just got a text, there's an emergency, I have to go" Said Nate, Catching everyone's attention

"Is everything alright?" Asked Chase as he slowly put down the bags

"Yeah, I have to go guys, I'll be back in time for the party on Monday," said Nate as he gathered his things

"Do you need me to come with you?" Asked Lilly

"No, You guys have fun I'll be back in time I promise," said Nate

"Are you sure, Do you want us to reschedule for another time?" Said Lilly

"No it's fine, I'll drive down on Sunday, Just in time for the party," said Nate as he glanced over at the Uber

"I don't want to spend the weekend without" Said Lilly holding the hand his phone was in

"I'll be back by Sunday, We can spend time then," Said Nate as his phone buzzed causing Lilly to look

"Alright man, We'll see you later," Said Chase, Signaling Lilly to get into the Uber

"I'll see you guys on Sunday, Have fun," Said Nate

"Bye Babe," Said Lilly reaching in for a hug; He granted her with

"Have fun alright, We'll be able to spend time soon" Said Nate kissing her forehead

Lilly began walking towards the Uber as Nate watched from the sidewalk. She got inside and shut the door. She looked back through the window and saw Nate pulling out his phone. She glanced back at everyone else who was on their phones. She felt as if she was 3rd wheeling; But in this case 5th wheeling.

The car began to drive off as Nate watched from the sidewalk. His phone began to ring as he answered it, He talked on the phone with the person as he watched from a distance as their Uber drove away. He picked up his bags and began to walk off.

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