14 | Caught Up.

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"Where the hell could Colten be" Said Lilly to herself

She hasn't heard from him all day, The guilt inside of her is eating her alive. She knows what she did was wrong but it was also right. She should've told Colten about Nate from the start, But she didn't think they would get this close. Nate hasn't responded to her all day and he hasn't come yet. Lilly wonders about him and if everything is alright.

"Hey Lilly," Said Olivia; Catching Lilly to lose her train of thought

"Are you okay" Said Emma, Walking into her room

"Yeah I'm fine, Why do you ask" Said Lilly

Emma and Olivia looked over at each other. They had a nervous look on their face; Lilly observed the way they looked at each other.

"Guys, what's going on?" Said Lilly in a stern tone

"We have to show you something," said Emma

They both sit down beside Lilly And look at her. Lilly is confused; Sitting in the middle of both of them wanting to know what's going on... And so does Colten. He's eavesdropping by her door and looking directly at them through the small crack.

"I was scrolling through Instagram earlier and I saw there was a Halloween party going on last night," said Olivia

"Okay..." Said Lilly confused

"And I was watching everyone's stories and I saw this girl post a girl and a guy, Kissing," Said, Olivia

Lilly began to grow nervous; She was getting hints about what they might be talking about but she hopes it was not true. Colten looks closely at Lilly's face; He sees her getting nervous and tense. He wants to comfort her but he can't blow his cover. Emma and Olivia both look at each other, Olivia holds out her phone and shows Lilly the picture of Erica and Nate kissing during the Halloween party last night. Lilly couldn't believe it; She didn't think he would lie to her just to go to a Halloween party. She felt her eyes getting glossier by the second. The photo was getting blurrier. She knew that was Nate in the photo; The features are exactly like his.

"Are you sure that's him?" Said Lilly as her voice cracked

"Yeah, They tagged them and It's Nate's profile" Said Olivia

"We're so sorry Lilly," Said Emma

Lilly felt a lot of emotions rushing at her at once. She felt betrayed, sad, and angry but a small part of her was kind of relieved. She didn't know what to do; Nate was falling out of love with her for a while, But she just couldn't admit it. The room was filled with silence, Emma and Olivia both comforted her as she stared straight ahead feeling numb. Colten saw the look on Lilly's face he wanted to be there to comfort her.

"We'll give you some space okay," Said Emma as she signaled Olivia to leave with her

"Let us know if you need anything okay," Said, Olivia 

They both got up from her bed and headed towards the door. Colten heard their footsteps and quickly found a spot to hide, After all, it was dark; So they couldn't see what was hiding behind the walls. Colten peaked against the wall as he watched Emma and Olivia leave the room. Once they were out of sight he went back over to the door and peaked through the small crack. He saw Lilly still sitting on her bed staring straight ahead but with a pool of tears coming down her face. He started to feel rage; He hated the person that did this to her. This "Nate" guy was an enemy to him now. He saw Lilly get up from her bed and go into her bathroom; He couldn't see her anymore, He was debating on going into her room but he felt it was best to leave her alone. He slowly walked away from her door lost in his thoughts.

"Colten..." Said Lilly softly; Grasping his attention

"Hey," Said Colten with a slight smile

"What are you doing up here?" Said Lilly

"I would lie and say I forgot something but I Just came to check on you," said Colten, causing Lilly to smile

"I didn't see you all day" Said Lilly

"I had a few things to take care of, Plus I needed some time to myself," Said, Colten

"Oh," Said Lilly

"I haven't seen you all day either" Said Colten; Trying to enlighten the mood

"Oh yeah, I've just been here spending quality time with myself too," Said Lilly slightly chuckling. They both looked at each other; Silence filled the halls as they both stood inches away from each other with certain desires

"I should get going" Said Colten breaking the silence

"Yeah I should too," Said, Lilly

"Goodnight Lilly," Said Colten as he smiled and turned around

"Goodnight Colten," Said Lilly as she shut the bedroom door

Colten stood in the dark and quiet hallway for a few seconds. He didn't want to end that conversation with her. They were standing inches away from each other; With wild thoughts running through their head. Colten suddenly turned around and swiftly walked to her door; Before he could knock Lilly quickly opened the door. They made eye contact with each other; They knew they were thinking the same thing.

Colten cupped her face with his veiny hands and kissed her passionately. Lilly ran her hands through his fluffy brown hair letting him take control. He pinned her against the wall still kissing her passionately. Lilly ran her hands up his shirt feeling his strong back muscles and abs. He picked her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Colten broke the kiss and made eye contact with her.

"May I continue?" Said Colten with a smirk

Lilly smiled and nodded in response. She kissed him giving him full consent to take control. Colten walked into the room still kissing her deeply; he closed the bedroom door behind them leaving Colten in full control of them both.

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