🔵 Chapter 16: Trophy Parents

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Callum's Pov

"Alright, I went and cleaned up the program and helped get rid of any bugs that could of halter updates in the future. You should be okay now" I hummed handing over the laptop.

"Thank you so much. I know that this isn't work related but, I appreciate your help" an intern said blushing.

"You're fine I needed a break from my workload" I hummed offering him a smile which only caused his caramel face to become even redder.

"You should come out with me and some other workers tonight. We're going to a newly opened club. Think of it as my way of repaying you for your help" he spoke holding the laptop to his chest and glancing up at me through his lashes.

"Let me think about it. I'll let you know by the end of the day" I replied. He nodded and then proceeded to walk away but, not before looking back at me.

"Men" I chuckled before turning back to my work.

I was a little behind and needed to catch up. Just cause my father owned the place didn't mean I took advantage of it. If anything, I worked harder to prove that I was here because of my talent and not nepotism. As I typed away on my computer, I thought about Baz and how he had held me after my upsetting call with my father.

The feel of his arms wrapped around my body was something I could get used to. I was already drawn to the man after such a short amount of time. Never had I ever wanted someone so bad and not just for pleasure.

No, I just wanted to talk to him. To know his likes and dislikes. Where he grew up and what kind of man he was. I wanted to know him better than I knew myself. I wanted to let him in and it scared me a little.

Never had I ever wanted to be vulnerable before. No one was worth it to me. Hell if my parents couldn't handle a relationship with me then how would anyone else?

They said I was too much and overdramatic when I really wanted them to fit me into their busy schedules. All I wanted was to know that they knew I was here. Instead most of my younger life I was invisible to them. As I was deep in thought my phone began to ring pulling me back to reality.

"Hello?" I questioned.

"Your father would like to see you in his office...immediately," the secretary said before hanging up.

"Fuck" I groaned rolling my eyes before getting up and walking to the elevator.

As much as I tried to keep my personal relationship with him nonexistent, I still had to manage a business relationship. My father could despise me as much as he wanted but, we both knew the old man would crumble around all this new-age technology if I wasn't here. A good father he wasn't but, a great business he was.

Stepping into his office I tried to keep my face emotionless though that became difficult when my eyes set upon the image in front of me. One of my temps leanings over my father's desk with his bosom spilling out her shirt and the stupid ass smile on my father's face.

"You wanted something" I snapped gaining their attention. The temp straightened up quickly with a face full of embarrassment.

"Please excuse us" my father hummed shooting her a smile and she just blushed. I wanted to vomit on the floor. I tried not to roll my eyes as she left the office and my nasty ass father checked her out the whole way.

"Careful. They don't wait 10 years later anymore to file lawsuits for sexual harassment" I scoffed.

"Funny. Now a conversation obviously needs to be had since your recent flare of aggression toward your mother and I" he hummed.

"Recent? Last time I checked this aggression toward you guys has had a seat at the dinner table with the rest of us for a while. Though you probably never noticed since you both refused even to dine together" I snickered crossing my arms. I didn't care if it gave off the impression I was acting immature. He wanted to act oblivious like I despised him for no reason.

"Why must you allow the relationship between your mother and me to affect ours?" he groaned.

"Cause as much as you two refuse to believe it, your relationship has had an effect on me ever since I could remember. It would have been better if you had divorced maybe then I could have a slight resemblance of something normal. I wouldn't have these embarrassing memories of catching my mother sneaking our gardener out the back door while you bring your latest mistress through the front. Or plenty of school activities where you both refused to make an appearance. Lastly, that horrible accident where I almost died and you finally spoke about what I have always known. You never wanted me in the first place" I explained.

"Plenty of children would kill to have the resources and opportunities you had growing up" my father replied.

"They can have it and all the trauma attached," I said.

"Callum I don't ask much of you. I don't judge you for being gay. I don't force you to follow in my footsteps when it comes to business. All I ask is you treat me and your mother with respect" he breathed standing up from his desk.

"Well thanks for being a sliver of a decent human being but, respect is earned"I stated staring at him.

"Stubborn, you get that from your mother. Excuse me" he whispered before leaving. As he walked out I swore I saw a hint of amusement on his face and it confused the hell out of me.



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