🔵 Chapter 6: Toxic Bloodlines

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Callum's Pov

After I left that club, I had to head over to a restaurant where I was meeting my parents for lunch

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After I left that club, I had to head over to a restaurant where I was meeting my parents for lunch. My mother wouldn't stop calling me until I agreed to show up. As I was driving I thought about the owner.

He thought he knew me. He thought that just by one glance my way he had me all figured out. Little did he know that under all this designer, I was a little more complicated. I hated it when people just assumed things about me. They saw my lifestyle and automatically assumed that just because I have money that everything was perfect.

I wasn't one of those people that resented their family's wealth. There was just more to me than money and it sucked that people didn't want to take the time to figure that out. They rather stay on the outside and cast their hurtful opinions.

Though something about that man made me want to look past his comments and at him. I was intrigued by the look in his eyes. He seemed haunted and pain laid there. It drew me in and caused me to have the desire to discover all his dirty little secrets. He wasn't just some nightclub owner. No, there was more to his story and I planned on figuring it out.

"Oh Callum, your okay!" my mom shrieked when she saw me. Swiftly she got up from the table and grabbed me into a hug. For such a slim woman it felt like she was crushing my rib. I guess all those spin classes were working out for her.

"Of course the boy is okay. He just doesn't know how to pick up a damn phone" my father grunted staying seated.

"Good to see you father" I muttered once I was released from my mother's hold.

Taking a seat at the table across from them, we were soon blanketed in awkward silence. I took to staring at the silverware that laid so neatly on the napkin.

"So why are we here?" I asked.

"Can't we just have lunch as a family once in a while. It seems like forever since we've all sat down for a meal together" my mom sighed.

"You act like this is a regular thing. You guys were always to busy to ever have dinner with me. I spent most of my night dining with the staff" I grumbled.

"Here we go. I told you that he wouldn't be able to go one minute without bringing up the past" my father spoke.

"Sorry that my crappy childhood still bothers me" I muttered.

"I refuse to apologize for working. It was our jobs that kept you from ever having to want for anything. Our careers gave you the best life and opportunities. Most kids would be grateful" he scoffed.

"It also made sure that I was raised by nannies instead of the people who brought me into the world. That every sports game and play had the same two empty seats where you guys should have been. I don't hate you guys for giving me a good life but, for the fact you couldn't carve out enough time to spend with your only child", I started.

"Callum-" my mother began but, before she could even form the rest of her sad excuse, I cut her off.

"No, you've been trying to make up for your absence but, that isn't how it works. You can't just shove yourself into my life. Your chance to be actual parents has passed" I explained.

"Your ungrateful" my father scoffed.

"Better than being a shitty father and an even worse husband" I muttered under my breath.

"Son I just want to make sure your happy" my mom whispered.

"Then get a divorce. There isn't much left of your marriage so, stop acting like there is. Before you criticize me on my lifestyle think about how you both stayed with someone who cheats on them"  I said rolling my eyes.

"That's it. I will not sit here and allow you to disrespect us!" my father spat slamming his hand on the table.

"Cool with me. Bye," I hummed before getting up and leaving.

As I was going to get into my car, I felt someone grab my arm. Spinning around, I saw it was my mom. She was upset and crying. I wanted to hug her. To put her worries to rest but, I couldn't. Our relationship wasn't like that and it wasn't my fault.

"When I was younger I needed you. I needed both of you. You weren't there. You made your decision and it's crazy that you think that lunch would change that especially, between me and him" I sighed.

"Your father is a complicated man and you don't make it easy. Why must you always bring up the past? How can we ever expect to move forward? " she argued wiping her face.

"I don't want to move forward. You both lost me when he said what he did in that hospital room and you stood there and let him" I told her.

"He didn't mean that!" she gasped.

"Yeah well did anyone ever tell you that words hurt and once spoken, you can't take them back. I have to go" I muttered turning away and ignoring her as she called out my name. We would never have a relationship. I didn't want one, not anymore.


Okay so, a deeper look into Callum and his parent's relationship. It's a hot mess I know. Lemme tell you, my mom is black and if I did half the things he did, I'd come up missing. Okay, so next Callum and Baz meet again. There will be drama because if you couldn't tell their personalities are complete opposites. What do you think is going to happen?




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